Shamanic Rituals for Connecting to Healing Animal Spirits

Shamanic rituals for connecting to healing animal spirits

When you join the hour-long event: Connect With the Sacred Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals, with Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, you’ll immerse yourself in a guided meditation to embody the energy of Q’enti, the sacred hummingbird, a master of this new era we’re living in…

… so you can find beauty everywhere, face your greatest fears, and evolve your consciousness.

Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

ceremonial shamanic journeying with Sandra Ingerman

Renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman will share the life-changing experience of developing a tangible connection with helping spirits in the worlds beyond ours, including how she can feel her guardian holding her hand as they sit on the warm earth and drink tea together.

Way of the Druid: Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self

Way of the Druid Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self With a Powerful Tree Ally Practice

In Explore the Way of the Druid: Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self With a Powerful Tree Ally Practice with Philip Carr-Gomm…

… you’ll open to the mystical world of Druidry and engage the powerful forces of the Earth and Cosmos to ignite your potential for boundless creativity, wisdom, and spiritual connectedness.

Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force w/ S. African Shamanic Wisdom

Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force With South African Shamanic Wisdom Experience Deeper Belonging & Greater Vitality Through the Earth-Based Wisdom of Ubuntu with John Lockley

In Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force With South African Shamanic Wisdom: Experience Deeper Belonging & Greater Vitality Through the Earth-Based Wisdom of “Ubuntu” with John Lockley…

… you’ll activate a South African Indigenous healing process — with a sangoma from the Xhosa lineage — for releasing personal and collective pain associated with your ancestral and spiritual lineages.

Experience Wisdom of Ancient Egypt for Inspiration, Empowerment & Healing

Unlock Your Mythical Power With the Wisdom of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshet

Join Jocelyn for this deeply spiritual event to begin your incredible journey with the wisdom of ancient Egypt — unveiling the profound harmony of your individual existence with the grand design of the Cosmos…

… so you can ignite your purpose, experience a sense of peace and oneness with All That Is, and create a new mythology for your life.

How Celtic Wisdom Can Guide You to Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Destiny & Authentic Self

How Celtic Shamanic Wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self

Learn How Celtic Wisdom Can Guide You to Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Destiny & Authentic Self. Discover the Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll see that the wisdom of Celtic shamanism guides us in seeing and honouring the sacred in all things… including ourselves. Take an experiential journey to the Otherworld with Brigid, the great Celtic Goddess and bringer of spring, new growth, and creative forces that will help you reshape your life.

Experience the integration of love, prayer & psychedelic plant medicines

Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening

In The Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening with Dr. Ali Maya…

… you’ll discover the art of integrating your plant medicine experiences in a safe and transformative way — using a unique approach to shamanic healing rooted in the transformative power of love and prayer — and activate your full potential and connection with the Divine within.

Explore the Science & Mysteries of Psychic Messages & Intuitive Insights

Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit 2023

During the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from over 35 other seasoned heart-centered scientists, physicians, authors, educators, and leading practitioners in metaphysics…

… who can teach you how to perceive and interpret subtle energies.

Their teachings and guidance can bring you clarity, guidance, and inspiration on your spiritual journey as you discover essential ways to receive, navigate, and apply vibrational insights you’ll tap into from subtle messages, intuitive hits, and other inner knowings.