How To Write Marketing Copy That Sells - online training
A Business Is Only A Business If It Can Sell So you have a great product or a fantastic service. Unfortunately in today’s attention seeking world that by itself is not enough. The truth is that it’s not the best product that wins; it’s the one with the best marketing. Of course, if you want repeat business, you also need a great product! But how do you get that new customer to just try you out? Direct marketing still works; it’s just that people seem to have forgotten how to do it – or perhaps they never knew. Nowadays though, you are more likely to send out an email than a letter in the post. What you want is a marketing piece that gets prospects to pick up the phone or visit your website and buy from you. This copywriting course is for every small business owner that has struggled to put together a flyer, sales letter, email marketing piece or copy for their website. The answer is of course with great marketing material. And that’s why I put this co...