Plant Medicine - Feminine Way (April 7 event to Join free)
Women’s way of plant medicine to help heal yourself and the Earth Perhaps you enjoy gardening and have grown medicinal plants and herbs to support your healing and optimal health. But did you know there’s a feminine way of plant medicine –– a way of working with the Earth and more deeply connecting with its healing plants –– which can nourish you and these growing “beings”? It can even help recharge you to better navigate life’s many stressors –– from work to the challenges of aging. On Saturday, April 7, herbalist, gardener, and author Deb Soule will share some of the medicinal plants and tonic herbs most valued for healing qualities specific to women’s health –– remedies to help women heal and thrive during different cycles of our lives — during a FREE virtual event, Discovering the Feminine Way of Plant Medicine: Healing Through the Wisdom of Natural Remedies, Rhyt...