Women’s Money Summit (May 22-24) Find Your Financial Power
Discover Powerful Practices & Profound Wisdom to Transform Your Financial Life
How does money make you feel?
Does thinking about finances stir feelings of struggle or regret? Or shame that you’re not earning what you want to?
Do you feel anxious because you don’t know what you think you should know — or even who to ask your most pressing questions?
Or does money make you feel confident and free… empowered to live your life more fully… in alignment with your values, goals, and purpose?
Most women fall into one of two categories: either you have the money you want and want to learn how to do more with your money… or you don’t have the money you want and you want to learn how to find your financial power.
Either way, you can can transform your relationship with money — AND your financial situation — by changing your attitudes, energy, and behaviors around “wealth.” Along the way, you’ll also need to acquire vital tools for generating wealth, stewarding your resources, planning your giving, launching your business or charity, and more.
That’s why I’m SO excited to invite you to join The Shift Network’s first-ever Women’s Money Summit — May 22-24, 2018 — where you’ll discover powerful women who are on fire with possibility and purpose… women who will guide you with their hard-earned wisdom, and who will support your personal journey to find your financial power!
You’ll find more than 16 experts — including Twist, Vicki Robin, Dr. Cozette White, Dame DC Cordova, Kate Levinson, Hazel Henderson, Patricia Stallworth, Carol Look, and many others — bringing you deep wisdom and practical tools for transforming your financial life forever...
During this groundbreaking 3-day event, you’ll discover how to:
- Move out of your fear of scarcity around money and embrace the attitude that what you have is sufficient & sustainable
- Use your finances to help you manifest your life purpose into reality
- Realize financial freedom by overcoming issues that are preventing you from growing in abundance
- Become more discerning about where you choose to focus your consumption
- Simple practices to shift your experience around your possessions, so they serve you rather than run you
- Understand and conquer your fear of success… so you can stop procrastinating & start shining!
- Weave a commitment to generosity into your personal finance or business plan
Join this one-of-a-kind online event (at no charge) to learn from an incredible lineup of compassionate leaders — women who are illuminating the path for you as you heal money wounds, thrive abundantly, and manifest your highest potential!
>> RSVP here for Women’s Money Summit — at no charge <<
P.S. Through these interviews with our brilliant speakers, you will…
- Unpack your financial stories and limiting beliefs around money so you can discover your own sufficiency and inner wealth with Lynne Twist.
- Learn about how to align your earning and spending with your values and dreams with Vicki Robin.
- Stop stressing about money — with key tips from Dr. Cozette White — and start “decluttering” and restoring your financial health.
- Get enlightened on how technological advancement is making rapid and great strides in renewable energy — which will create an avalanche of new wealth with Dame DC Cordova.
- Explore the profound concept of “emotional currency” and how the feelings we have around money can actually help us better understand and navigate our lives with Kate Levinson.
- Join the growing movement — spearheaded by women — for creating socially responsible, ethical, and green finance, through Hazel Henderson’s unique wisdom.
- Master your money and make it work for you by using Patricia Stallworth’s five essential steps.
- Learn how to clear your fear of success, stop sabotaging behavior, and find your next “yes!” so you can let yourself shine in all areas of your life with Carol Look.
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