Join Daily Practices for Sacred Living: Annual Shamanism Summit - July 10-12
Co-create with the Earth, the elements & the spirit world
Are you intrigued by shamanism? Or seeking to deepen your shamanic wisdom?
Imagine living in greater alignment with Mother Earth, more fully present with your loved ones, and connected to the Spirit in all things…
Imagine connecting directly with your Higher Self, as well as your guides, as a path to healing your body and spirit…
Imagine what might be possible for you, your health and your relationships through visioning, journeying, and your dreamtime…
The path of shamanism puts us in sacred relationship with all of life, in which we’re fully connected to ourselves, our world, and our greatest gifts. It’s a beautiful and powerful path for both personal and collective transformation.
That’s why I’m delighted to tell you about The Shamanism Global Summit — a free online event taking place July 10-12.
We’re honored to invite you to join esteemed shamanic teachers and healers — including Sandra Ingerman, Alberto Villoldo, Brooke Medicine Eagle, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, HeatherAsh Amara, Robert Moss, Flordemayo, José & Lena Stevens, and others. They’ll be sharing practical wisdom for you to access guidance, healing, and power for more sacred living.
Free Online Event
The Shamanism Global Summit
July 10-12, 2018
In The Shamanism Global Summit, the amazing speakers will unveil a shamanic way of being that is creative and intuitive, connected and life-affirming.
>> RSVP here for The Shamanism Global Summit — at no charge <<
During this powerful, annual 3-day summit, you’ll discover skills that relieve suffering and help foster more joy, radiant health, and fulfilling relationships as well as:
- How shamanic healing is truly traditional medicine for the modern world
- The impact of colonization on shamanism & racism
- Heart-deepening experiences of visionary and practical shamanic ritual guidance applicable to personal & planetary transformation
- How to draw on the invisible world for guidance & healing
- Ways to tap into your unexpressed creative & intuitive power
- Practical tools for healing negative feelings & toxic thoughts
- The power of plant medicine to activate your higher brain
- Your role as a co-creator with the Earth, the elements, & the spirit world — accelerating the conscious evolution of our planet
- Methods for shapeshifting your story & transforming our world
- How to access the subtle realms of consciousness (the upper & lower worlds) with guidance from allies there
- Shamanic astrology — a unique view that taps into ancient shamanic practices
- A deeper sense of presence and reverence for the natural world — including plants, animals, & Gaia herself
Hope you’ll join this special event to receive deep insights, rituals, and guidance for sacred living from some of the world’s most revered shamans and teachers of this ancient path.
Register for The Shamanism Global Summit now — and discover practices that can provide what you are seeking next on your spiritual journey — at no charge.
>> RSVP here for The Shamanism Global Summit — at no charge <<
Deeper connection with the natural and invisible world…
If you’re looking for a deeper sense of reverence for the natural world, richer relationships with loved ones and a rooted connection to your guidance, we highly encourage you to join this summit!
Read more: Read more stuff like this.
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