Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer is like Using Napalm On A Pest Problem...

Is Chemotherapy The Biggest Medical Lie Of Our Time?

Right now, we have a huge medical problem in our country that is being ignored by the medical industry. But it might surprise you to know it’s not cancer.

It’s the way we treat cancer. Especially when it comes to the use of chemotherapy.

Part of the problem with the way cancer is treated, is because it has always been and will always be a highly emotional topic.

And here’s why.

Traditionally, a medical diagnosis of cancer meant the person was given a death sentence. Now, this is important to know, because as soon as death is attached to any disease, if anyone dares to go against the standard medical treatment regimen – they’re instantly seen as “preying on the dying.”

But the person is only “dying” because they have been told by their doctor. Before their diagnosis, they were very much alive. They already had cancer, but it hadn’t been detected yet.

The fact is, if anyone suggested an alternative way to be healthy and stay healthy before the diagnosis of cancer, no one would have batted an eyelid. But as soon as cancer is attached to a person, they seem to become the property of the medical fraternity. And anything outside their “trio of treatments” — chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, is seen as quackery and dangerous.

Using Napalm On A Pest Problem is Ridiculous… And So Is Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer

Using Napalm On A Pest Problem is Ridiculous… And So Is Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer

So, the medical answer to cancer is to pump highly toxic chemicals into an already compromised, fragile body.  

The irony of chemotherapy is, the level of personal protective equipment the person giving it needs to wear. And the reason they need to wear double chemotherapy tested gloves, protective gowns and protective eyewear is because there is no known minimum safe exposure to chemotherapy.1 (Now, people will say the medical person needs the protection because they handle chemotherapy repeatedly, and of course, that makes sense. But the fact that there is no known minimum safe exposure makes it unsafe for all humans in all circumstances… especially the patient.)

Now, what does that say about what they are pumping into their unprotected patients?

When the chemotherapy is used to treat cancer, it indiscriminately kills cells that are in the process of splitting into 2 new cells.2 The chemotherapy also damages or kills cells in our hair, nails, digestive tract, bone marrow and our precious stem cells.

Chemotherapy devastates the body’s immunity by stopping bone marrow production. This popular treatment often makes people sicker, and in some cases, it kills them.

Researchers in the U.K. found that cancer drugs kill up to 50 percent of patients in some hospitals. These researchers looked at the number of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, which indicates that the medication was the cause of death, not cancer.

So, Who’s Really Preying On The Dying?

The fact is, cancer is not a death sentence.

And the medical fraternity needs to stop scaring people and start caring for them.

People all around the world are healing and recovering from cancer every day, without the “help” of these harmful drugs.

What’s disappointing is, you’ll never hear about these remarkable people and their doctors in the mainstream media or from your doctor.

But the good news is, now you can get access to the most cutting-edge information in alternative cancer treatment.

Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and their team at The Truth About Cancer have interviewed over 100 of the top cancer experts in the world. These remarkable experts are treating cancer naturally every day and without the use of indiscriminate, cell-destroying toxic “medication.”

You can see all these experts plus inspirational cancer survivors on The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest docu-series. And the best part is, now you can watch it for free.

The medical establishment has had control of cancer for too long. If what they are doing worked, then no one would still be dying of cancer. But people are still dying, and they are dying from the chemotherapy. You and your loved ones deserve better.

So, join Ty and Charlene, and the experts as they share the truth about cancer.

Click here to watch for FREE >>





Read more: Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer is like Using Napalm On A Pest Problem...


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