
Showing posts from November, 2018

Aligning your New Year’s Intentions with Your true Essence - Zen Buddhism approach + eBook

Renew your mind, body, and spirit… and jump off the “self-improvement” train Is self-improvement a myth? Have you attended workshops, gone on spiritual retreats, logged countless therapy sessions, and thumbed through an avalanche of self-help books… yet still feel “broken” or incomplete? And will you still be making New Year’s resolutions, even though most of them tend to fizzle out by the end of January? What if you could do it differently this year…by  aligning your New Year’s intentions with your true essence  through deep listening to your heart’s intentions and mindful inquiry… On Saturday, December 1, Zen Buddhist meditation teacher Deborah Eden Tull will guide you to overcome the myth of self-improvement and set loving intentions aligned with your true, already whole, Self. >> You can find out more about  Stop Trying to Fix Yourself: Overcome the Myth of Self-Improvement & Discover the K...

The Importance of Overcoming Procrastination + Black Friday offer

Procrastination makes people feel elated initially. They don’t have to deal with a situation or task at that moment in time. But, for most of these situations, there will come a time when it needs to get done. The feeling of elation turns to panic. Then panic becomes a rush to figure out ways to handle the situation. When you compare this to people who don’t procrastinate, they may not get that initial surge of elation. However, they also don’t have to worry about the panic setting in. All things being equal, these non-procrastinators will not be as stressed out. It’s proven that stress can lead to disease. The resources that your body needs to fend off disease will be diverted to handling your stress. Short-term stress is not likely to impact health as much as stress that is constant. However, people who procrastinate do it with all (or most of) their tasks. Therefore, they are likely to be stressed out longer term. They are the ones more at risk of getting str...

Embark on a Shamanic Journey to the future to see through the eyes of a Visionseeker

Walk the path of the shaman, bringing healing gifts from the spirit world… Who are you at your core? What do you truly desire from life? And are the answers to those questions authentically reflected in the way you show up in your daily life? Knowing and  living  those answers is the authentic ground at the core of the Visionseeker — an inspired visionary (also known as a shaman) who can achieve alternate states of consciousness to create a healing bridge between the ordinary world and the spiritual realm. It is  your  birthright to walk this path, standing true in who you are and bringing the healing gifts from the spirit world across space and time… for your communities, your loved ones, and yourself. Yet, to become a Visionseeker, you must first know your authentic self — including your unique life’s journey designated by  your three souls , as well as your  birth responsibilities . On Wednesday, November 28 , shamanism tea...

How to Deal with Difficult People & Situations - MANAGE STRESS - Conscious Awareness

Getting Balance in Challenging times & Harness your ‘body wisdom’ to navigate stress & heal trauma and pain. Would you like to always feel clear and centered… even in the craziest of situations? To be able to transform feelings of overwhelm and trauma that may be hijacking your joy, creativity, and vitality? The key to experiencing this powerful shift lies in discovering how to reconnect with the deep wisdom of your body. Doing that can be challenging when there’s a greater potential for discord at this time of year ­­–– whether you’re in an election season, the holiday season, or a season of change. The effects can stress your body, mind, emotions, and relationships. Tuesday, November 20, 2018 – 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern, you can start to harness your body’s wisdom so you can respond in new ways to old  and  new stress when you join leading conscious awareness instructor Suzanne Scurlock for ...

Enter a Portal of Conscious Co-creation w/the Beloved - using Power of Awe

Explore wonder as a portal into a deeper relationship with the Divine – Join Celebrated Mystic Andrew Harvey What if the key to life’s greatest challenges was to approach them like a child… with curiosity, enthusiasm, inquisitiveness… and WONDER? In the presence of  awe,  the mind lets go… and opens. Yet, many of us have grown up in a culture that’s threatened by a direct experience of awe. Scientific fundamentalism sees a world stripped of enchantment and meaning. Religious systems require obedience to doctrine. Social and family systems are often rooted in fear. In truth, awe  offers us a powerful expansion of identity… a release from limited ideas of ourselves  and the world…    Awe can heal and transform YOU, according to celebrated mystic teacher Andrew Harvey, when you approach it as a  spiritual practice…  (It’s also essential to the planet’s survival, Andrew says!) On ...

Activate Your Inner Healer through Qi Medicine - November 10 event

Discover self-empowering Qigong practices for enhancing your vitality The power to prevent illness, enhance strength and vitality, and even promote inner peace, lies in discovering the secrets to cultivating what the Chinese call “ Qi ” through the ancient practice of Qigong . Indeed, your inner healer is activated through Qi Medicine and the practice of Qigong , which is as relevant today as ever — and given the pace and stress of modern life, perhaps even more so! And that’s why we’re excited to invite you to a  complimentary hour of information and inspiration with Chinese medicine doctor and master Qigong and Tai Chi instructor Roger Jahnke on Saturday, November 10 :  Discover the Power of Qi Medicine: Traditional Chinese Techniques to Prevent Disease & Activate the Healer Within You. You’ll discover self-empowering, healing, mood-boosting practices for your self-care regimen that complement Western-medicine approaches to your hea...