Young Adult Personal Finance Education - online training

In 29 states across the US, personal finance education is a requirement for graduation. This course is positioned to do two things. First, it is a course that teaches students to be good with money. Second it's FUN and FUNNY! We have partnered with some of the best financial teachers and the funniest stand-up comics on the stage today. We found a way to make learning personal finance fun! This course is a preview of our full course in personal finance. This five-section course is meant to provide schools, parents, students, and teachers a comprehensive look at how the full course is structured. The preview version of this course is free. The full course will consist of 20 sections ranging from budgeting, working and earning, taxes, and saving and investing. Everything a young person needs to get themselves set up on the right foot for financial success. This Personal Finance Education course can be taken by a student of any age, but is designed to work best for high-school and college students just establishing their financial profiles. However, the wisdom and humor expressed in the course activities and lectures is valuable no matter what your age or financial experience. >> More details...

Read more: Young Adult Personal Finance Education - online training


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