
Showing posts from February, 2020

Healing Power of Chinese Reflexology & Dragon Spirit Meditation

Follow along with a  Step-by-Step Chinese Reflexology Demonstration with a Live Model. Once upon a time, there was a girl who was fierce, adventurous, curious, and confident. She was strong AND sensitive, and followed the beat of her own drum. Then she was told to be quiet, that she had no worth, that her appearance was all that mattered. She began to doubt herself, to play small, and to ignore her inner voice. If you’re like so many other women, her story is all too familiar… and painful. And the consequences of living this story, of enduring years of critical self-talk, can negatively impact your health and wellbeing. This feeling of insufficiency can lead to energy imbalances at the root of many women’s health issues, including fatigue, migraines, breast lumps, painful periods, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, fibroids and cysts, infertility, premature gray hair, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and hot flashes…. and...

Step-by-Step Chinese Reflexology Demonstration with a Live Model

Experience the Profound Healing Power of Chinese Reflexology & Dragon Spirit Meditation Once upon a time, there was a girl who was fierce, adventurous, curious, and confident. She was strong AND sensitive, and followed the beat of her own drum. Then she was told to be quiet, that she had no worth, that her appearance was all that mattered. She began to doubt herself, to play small, and to ignore her inner voice. If you’re like so many other women, her story is all too familiar… and painful. And the consequences of living this story, of enduring years of critical self-talk, can negatively impact your health and wellbeing. This feeling of insufficiency can lead to energy imbalances at the root of many women’s health issues, including fatigue, migraines, breast lumps, painful periods, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, fibroids and cysts, infertility, premature gray hair, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and hot flashes…. and...

Discover How to Understand & Experience Love as a Spiritual Practice

Redefine LOVE as Something You Become — Rather than What You Feel or Receive There may not be  anything  more important for humanity than awakening and integrating the power of love for transformation in our world. Yet, so many of us are disappointed in love… Some of us (at least subconsciously) continue chasing after the elusive “Valentine’s Day love” we see on the big screen — mushy and sentimental. Others discover that what they’ve been calling love just doesn’t gratify their egos as they’d hoped.   If you’re ready to understand and experience love in a whole new way, I have a special invitation for you… On Tuesday, February 25 , renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Robert Holden will guide you to explore real love through the power of all three of your wisdom centers — head, heart, and body — in a free video event,  Expand Your Ability to Love Through th...

Redefine LOVE as Something You Become — Rather than What You Feel or Receive

Discover why love is your best chance to become the person you most want to be There may not be  anything  more important for humanity than awakening and integrating the power of love for transformation in our world. Yet, so many of us are disappointed in love… Some of us (at least subconsciously) continue chasing after the elusive “Valentine’s Day love” we see on the big screen — mushy and sentimental. Others discover that what they’ve been calling love just doesn’t gratify their egos as they’d hoped.   If you’re ready to understand and experience love in a whole new way, I have a special invitation for you… On Tuesday, February 25 , renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Robert Holden will guide you to explore real love through the power of all three of your wisdom centers — head, heart, and body — in a free video event,  Expand Your Ability to Love Through the En...

Join EFT Tapping World Summit Feb. 24 - All Free Audios, Videos & Meditations Download

What Is Tapping and Does It Really Work? Tapping, most commonly known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a type of energy psychology that combines eastern medicine and modern psychology. It is extremely effective with both physical issues (back pain, headaches, etc) and emotional... Read more: Join EFT Tapping World Summit Feb. 24 - All Free Audios, Videos & Meditations Download

Feb 24th - Annual EFT Tapping Summit - It's Happening Again! + Free Audios & Videos

Learn More About EFT Tapping at this Amazing Online Event During this event, you’ll be guided through the application of a technique that delivers such tremendous results, and so quickly, that it falls into the “I can’t believe this works so well” category. The technique is EFT, or Tapping, and if you’ve been paying attention lately to all the buzz around the 2020 Tapping World Summit — the 12th annual event —  you’re probably curious to learn more about it… Tapping is a scientifically proven technique that works to rewire the brain by sending calming signals to the amygdala, the stress center of the brain, allowing both the body and brain to release limitations from negative experiences, emotions, thoughts and much more that hold us back from creating the life we want. It is mind-blowing in its effectiveness for creating change. I highly recommend checking out the page below to learn all about it, and about why you need t...

Journey on a Spirit-led, Life-honoring Sacred Path - Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom

Explore how to infuse each moment of your day with reverence for life We all have a different Sacred Walk… Are you ready to discover more about how you can live  yours  — for a life powered by prayer and blessings, and infused with grace? On Wednesday, February 19, you’ll have a chance to receive a wisdom transmission from one of the most revered Indigenous elders alive today. She’ll share about how you can infuse each moment of your day with reverence for life, connected to your ancestors and animal totems to guide you. >> Find out more   and reserve your free seat for  Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom: A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing Circle , here << Grandmother Flordemayo, has had a remarkable journey from humble beginnings as the 13th child born to a Mayan mother, to an apprenticeship with Don Alejandro, a globally respected elder, and her eventual role in the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers as well as in subsequent councils...

Discover How to Live Your “Sacred Walk,” a Life Powered by Prayer & Blessings

Find out how your ancestors can guide you on your Sacred Walk We all have a different Sacred Walk… Are you ready to discover more about how you can live  yours  — for a life powered by prayer and blessings, and infused with grace? On Wednesday, February 19, you’ll have a chance to receive a wisdom transmission from one of the most revered Indigenous elders alive today. She’ll share about how you can infuse each moment of your day with reverence for life, connected to your ancestors and animal totems to guide you. >> Find out more   and reserve your free seat for  Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom: A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing Circle , here << Grandmother Flordemayo, has had a remarkable journey from humble beginnings as the 13th child born to a Mayan mother, to an apprenticeship with Don Alejandro, a globally respected elder, and her eventual role in the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers as well as in subsequent councils. During...

Discover the Personal, Family & Cultural Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 17-21

Join Ancestral Healing Summit Global & Discover the personal, family & cultural benefits of ancestral healing What if you could create sacred connections with your ancestors… and tap into their wisdom to heal yourself  and your lineage  of old wounds? And what if those connections could help you cultivate forgiveness and closure with a loved one who’s passed — or reveal the source and remedy for a physical ailment you suffer? Maybe they could help you understand why you — or a family member — suffer from depression, addiction, or other forms of dis-ease  and  guide you to heal these symptoms… All around the globe, people have historically developed relationships with the wise ancestral guides in their bloodlines to help heal emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances within themselves, their families, and their communities. Connecting with your wise ancestors can  help you and your family live happier, healthier, m...

Experience the Life-changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing February 17-21 Global Event

Ancestral Healing Summit -  Discover how your ancestors can help you transform your lineage (and life) What if you could create sacred connections with your ancestors… and tap into their wisdom to heal yourself  and your lineage  of old wounds? And what if those connections could help you cultivate forgiveness and closure with a loved one who’s passed — or reveal the source and remedy for a physical ailment you suffer? Maybe they could help you understand why you — or a family member — suffer from depression, addiction, or other forms of dis-ease  and  guide you to heal these symptoms… All around the globe, people have historically developed relationships with the wise ancestral guides in their bloodlines to help heal emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances within themselves, their families, and their communities. Connecting with your wise ancestors can  help you and your family live happier, healthier, more fulfil...

Discover How to Tune Into Your Core of Love & Cultivate Peace Inside Yourself

Receive peacemaking practices to deepen your empathy and embody love Our planet seems overwhelmed with anger, conflict, and violence… It’s clear that our human family must learn better ways to handle conflict, transform cruelty, and create harmony even in the most challenging of circumstances. Yet, the healing of our world won’t be realized solely on national and international levels…  It starts with each one of us learning to access inner peace in our daily lives . Finding your soul’s innate peace — the source of all peace — is the first step in more efficiently and heartfully handling conflict… Two respected peacebuilders and thought leaders,  Amandine Roche and Philip M. Hellmich , will explore simple ways to access the wisdom of your heart — and share personal processes that you can turn to at any moment to help you develop empathy for yourself and others, and stay calm when confronted with conflict. >> Registe...

Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times

Learn how to stay calm and peaceful in the midst of challenges and confusion Our planet seems overwhelmed with anger, conflict, and violence… It’s clear that our human family must learn better ways to handle conflict, transform cruelty, and create harmony even in the most challenging of circumstances. Yet, the healing of our world won’t be realized solely on national and international levels…  It starts with each one of us learning to access inner peace in our daily lives . Finding your soul’s innate peace — the source of all peace — is the first step in more efficiently and heartfully handling conflict… Two respected peacebuilders and thought leaders,  Amandine Roche and Philip M. Hellmich , will explore simple ways to access the wisdom of your heart — and share personal processes that you can turn to at any moment to help you develop empathy for yourself and others, and stay calm when confronted with conflict. >>...

How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body with Tapping - Simple Self-healing Technique

Can the mind really heal the body? You’ve heard things said before like “mind over body” or “your mind can heal anything,” but do you ever think to yourself… “that’s easier said than done!” After all… if you’re like most people, you don’t have time to sit around like a Buddhist Monk meditating for hours a day, focusing on healing your body , so how exactly do you apply it to your life? Well, I want to share a video with you today that will reveal some startling research on just how powerful the mind is over the body, as well as introduce a grounded, everyday technique that you can use to actually help your mind to keep your body healthy. It’s a video of Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D., where she sits down with Nick Ortner, the producer of the upcoming 10th annual Tapping World Summit, to discuss her findings and the implications they have for all of us, both the “seemingly” healthy and those with health c...

EFT Tapping Helps Turning Back Your Age with Your Beliefs

Turn back your age with your beliefs and EFT tapping energy therapy… Do you ever feel old? Ever feel that you can’t do the things you want to do because of your age and health? That you’re not the “spring chicken” you used to be? Or have you ever thought to yourself “Oh, I’m too old to do that”? Maybe you’re not saying these things out loud, but we all tend to think these harsh comments to ourselves. And these harsh comments have a bigger impact on our health and our aging than we realize… I want to share a video with you today that has the ability to add years to your life and more importantly, to dramatically change how old you look and feel! In this video, you’ll hear from New York Times best-selling author Dr. Christiane Northrup about the effects of our beliefs, emotions, and the people in our lives on our age! Now the big question is of course… so how do we turn on that fountain of youth and make ourselves lo...

Using EFT Tapping Affirmations

If you’re like most people, you have too much to do and too little time to accomplish it. Between your job, taking the shavers to and from school and paying bills, it seems you’re always one step away from nervous prostration. But you are able to de-stress your life by following a simple set of rules and adhering to them. Abide by the tips below for a happier, less-stressful life. Read more: Using EFT Tapping Affirmations

EFT to Release Stress, Anxiety & Anger with Tapping Meditations

Are you stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Angry? You don’t deserve to feel this way. Take a few minutes for yourself to discover how a simple, energy-healing technique can bring you relief in just minutes. New York Times Best-Selling Author, Jessica Ortner guides you through three Tapping Meditations to bring you the peace of mind you crave. Watch now for free. Read more: EFT to Release Stress, Anxiety & Anger with Tapping Meditations

Mantras for Awakening Your Inner Shakti Magical Powers of Saraswati, Lakshmi & Kali

Unleash the living Goddess within you and harness your inner power There’s a living Goddess inside you… do you sense her presence? Perhaps you’ve lost touch with this memory of who you are, as so many have. Our larger world has become completely out of balance with our feminine principles, the source of so much wisdom. It’s time to remember who you really are — a Shakti — so that you can harness and cultivate your inner power… On Saturday, February 15, spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker  Raja Choudhury  will help you tap into your inner potential to live like a Shakti — as a force for good and justice in your life, your relationships, your material life, your physical being… and in the world at large. >> Register here for  The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess << In this 60-minute FREE online event, you’ll : Determine  which Shakti vibrates most in YOU   — Durga, ...

The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess

Learn the mantra for bringing together the magical powers of Saraswati, Lakshmi & Kali There’s a living Goddess inside you… do you sense her presence? Perhaps you’ve lost touch with this memory of who you are, as so many have. Our larger world has become completely out of balance with our feminine principles, the source of so much wisdom. It’s time to remember who you really are — a Shakti — so that you can harness and cultivate your inner power… On Saturday, February 15, spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker  Raja Choudhury  will help you tap into your inner potential to live like a Shakti — as a force for good and justice in your life, your relationships, your material life, your physical being… and in the world at large. >> Register here for  The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess << In this 60-minute FREE online event, you’ll : Determine  which Shakti vibrates most in YO...