Lee Holden Qigong Practices for Boosting Immune System & Clear Stress
Discover how to access your own inner power from a master QIgong teacher. With so much out of our control during this time of collective challenge, there’s never been a better time to take your health and vitality into your own hands. Now is the perfect time to look within and master the ancient practice of Qigong, the Chinese system of self-cultivation developed over 3,000 years ago… To this day, it’s rewarded around the world as a powerful method for preventing illness, healing dis-ease — and prolonging your life. On Wednesday, April 29, internationally renowned meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong teacher Lee Holden will share how Qigong — which he calls the art of effortless power — can elevate your energy, reduce stress, and help you enter into a potentially life-changing flow state… >> Join us for Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System , here << During this one-hour spec...