Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan with Evelyn Rysdyk
Discover how Nordic Shamanic Practices can harmonize your emotional and physical wellbeing. Our creative energy is expansive, regenerative, and restorative. When we allow it to flow, it returns more energy than we expend…. and there’s never been a more crucial time to embody its power. This life-giving, healing force — an essential part of you — is available to you right now … This energy can help you shift your circumstances in any situation , transform feelings of overwhelm and fear, and alleviate symptoms of physical dis-ease. Yet, to access this powerful creative energy, you need to learn how to strike an energetic balance within and around you… which can be challenging with the current pandemic and state of the natural world. These disharmonies, however, directly reflect Nature’s imbalance of creative and destructive energies. On Wednesday, June 3, globally revered shamanism teacher and author Evelyn Rysdyk will help you tap in...