A Mindful Approach to Time Management - online training
Just imagine being able to get 4 hours work done in less than an hour. Yes, improving productivity by that margin is very much possible. It is an illusion that the speed of time is fixed. We are not as enslaved by time as we think. The passage of time, the speed of our breath and the state of our consciousness are all interlinked. So, if you feel there are not enough hours in the day, or that time is speeding up, a solution is at hand. This course is time management training but not-as-we-know-it !! By changing your thoughts, you change your mind and change your relationship with time as a result. This training consists of four sections containing over three and a half hours of mind expanding audio tracks and some simple Mind Mapping exercises. NEW MODULE : This course now contains a brand new lecture to help reduce the effects of jet lag !!! You can complete the whole training over a period of four days but you may find taking a section on a week gives better results. At the end of the training, you will learn how to manage your time more efficiently. You will realize productivity improvements. Some unexpected byproducts of completing this course are an increase in your luck, your vitality, your overall well being and even your attractiveness - in both a business and personal context. NOTE : THIS COURSE CONSISTS LARGELY OF AUDIO TRACKS THAT TAKE YOU INTO ALTERED AND RELAXED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. IT IS BEST ENJOYED WITH HEADPHONES AND IN A QUIET ENVIRONMENT. WARNING : DO NOT LISTEN TO ANY OF THE AUDIO VISUALIZATIONS IN THIS COURSE WHILE DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY >> More details...
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