Breathing, Meditation & Qigong for Respiratory Infection Prevention & Treatment w/ Master Mingtong Gu

Join us for The Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit August 10-16, 2020.

Did you know that your mind and body hold the secrets to longevity, health, healing and happiness?

Millions of people around the world are lacking the energy and vitality they once had, and are feeling more lonely, desperate and spiritually disconnected than ever.

These feelings can increase levels of stress, tension, fear and anxiety — compromising immunity and increasing the risk of chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and depression.

You can learn to shake off desperation, loneliness and anxiety, and AWAKEN to a life connected to deep meaning and improved health…

…when you join me at an incredible new event called The Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit!

Join The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit from August 10-16, 2020

Join us to release, unwind, decompress and tap into the secrets of longevity, health and happiness that lie within you!

Today, most of us are homebound, stressed and worried, but there is hope and action you can take from your own home!

According to a recent clinical review, gentle, low-intensity qigong practices may be useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections, including COVID-19.(1)

Because qigong is easy to learn, can be practiced in the home and is accessible online(4), it’s possible to take up this healthy practice RIGHT NOW to boost your capacity to prevent (and recover from) severe respiratory illness and give yourself simple, effective tools to manage stress and anxiety.

>> Join us to learn more about this ancient, simple and effective practice!

Get free Here Master Mingtong Gu’s guided meditation, Ancient Wisdom and Guided Meditation for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Citing past studies on the utilization of qigong in the rehabilitation of patients with respiratory infections, including COPD and bronchitis, the analysis indicates that qigong can improve lung function and shorten the duration of respiratory infections.(2)

And some studies suggest that qigong can:
  • Help prevent respiratory disease

  • Enhance immune function

  • Strengthen respiratory muscles

  • Increase exercise capacity

  • Help with stress management

  • Improve quality of life(3)

>> Join this complimentary and online The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit!

Your hosts for this event, Master Mingtong Gu and Nathan Crane, will be interweaving diverse perspectives on health, healing and conscious awakening.

PLUS, each day of the summit, Master Mingtong Gu will be leading a qigong teaching and healing meditation, including: Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Reducing Stress and Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Immune System Health.

They’re here to help you by sharing this ancient healing wisdom.


You can truly get started on better health today!

When you register for The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

  1. Fan Feng, M.D., Ph.D., Sylvie Tuchman, B.A., John W. Denninger, M.D., Ph.D., Gregory L. Fricchione, M.D., and Albert Yeung, M.D., Sc.D. Qigong for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of COVID-19 Infection in Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020 May 15.

Read more: Breathing, Meditation & Qigong for Respiratory Infection Prevention & Treatment w/ Master Mingtong Gu


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