
Showing posts from February, 2021

Learn how Extraordinary People are Defying the Limits of Logic & Possibility

Discover mind & body practices to boost your energy flow, vitality & internal power. If you were able to unleash your internal power to perform amazing feats like  bending steel or seeing with X-ray vision , would you do it? Stopping short of “leaping tall buildings in a single bound,” there ARE people in the world with such extraordinary abilities.   These superhumans have  used profound self-awareness to tap into their supernatural powers. Inhabitants of ancient cultures learned how to liberate their minds and use their inner powers to transcend the concept of “self” and accomplish miraculous feats. Lee Holden, an expert instructor in Qigong, Tai Chi, and meditation , has traveled the world to find people who have mastered these arcane practices for attaining “superhuman” capabilities. On Saturday, February 27, he will share with you the impossible feats he witnessed people performing with their minds and bodies –...

Unleash Your ‘superhuman’ Abilities using Qigong, Breathwork & Meditation

Discover tools and techniques that can help you realize your full potential. If you were able to unleash your internal power to perform amazing feats like  bending steel or seeing with X-ray vision , would you do it? Stopping short of “leaping tall buildings in a single bound,” there ARE people in the world with such extraordinary abilities.   These superhumans have  used profound self-awareness to tap into their supernatural powers. Inhabitants of ancient cultures learned how to liberate their minds and use their inner powers to transcend the concept of “self” and accomplish miraculous feats. Lee Holden, an expert instructor in Qigong, Tai Chi, and meditation , has traveled the world to find people who have mastered these arcane practices for attaining “superhuman” capabilities. On Saturday, February 27, he will share with you the impossible feats he witnessed people performing with their minds and bodies –– and you’...

Revitalize your chakras for grounding, resiliency & hope in these unstable times

E xperience a guided meditation to harmonize energies in your root and heart chakras. You’re not alone if you’re feeling thrown off balance by life these days… The good news is that there’s a proven, age-old diagnostic system you can use to help harmonize your energy flow, emotions, and health. It’s the chakra system — a  profound map for your wellbeing and journey to wholeness  — which is based on the seven major energy centers in your body, running from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. By aligning and activating key aspects of your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing reboot, drawing in needed new energies and releasing old patterns … for  grounding, resiliency, and aliveness  — qualities we all need in these unstable times. On Wednesday, February 17,  Anodea Judith, author of the #1 bestselling book on chakras,  Wheels of Life , will share wisdom and pract...

Discover why the chakra system is a map for improving every aspect of your wellbeing

Receive practices for working with your chakras and optimizing your energy system. You’re not alone if you’re feeling thrown off balance by life these days… The good news is that there’s a proven, age-old diagnostic system you can use to help harmonize your energy flow, emotions, and health. It’s the chakra system — a  profound map for your wellbeing and journey to wholeness  — which is based on the seven major energy centers in your body, running from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. By aligning and activating key aspects of your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing reboot, drawing in needed new energies and releasing old patterns … for  grounding, resiliency, and aliveness  — qualities we all need in these unstable times. On Wednesday, February 17,  Anodea Judith, author of the #1 bestselling book on chakras,  Wheels of Life , will share wisdom and practice...

Discover Where We Go When We Die & How Soul Contracts & Karma are Played out

Understand your soul’s journey for a profound sense of meaning, belonging & fulfilment. Have you ever wondered how and why your soul reincarnates into a human existence… again and again? How and why it chooses a particular body and family… the influences of individual and group karma… and how “soul contracts’’ are played out? All of which address the immense question… Where do we really go when we die? On Saturday, February 13, you’ll gain new insights, perspectives, and answers to many of these questions when you join William Bloom —  a leading metaphysical teacher in the United Kingdom and 40-year faculty member of the world-renowned Findhorn Foundation  — for  Explore Your Soul’s Journey: Metaphysical Wisdom for Living (and Beyond) With Love, Grace & Meaning. >> Join us here to  Discover how awareness of your soul’s journey can provide profound meaning <...

Explore Your Life Purpose & Soul’s Journey in this Life & Beyond

Receive metaphysical wisdom for living life (and beyond) with love, grace, and meaning. Have you ever wondered how and why your soul reincarnates into a human existence… again and again? How and why it chooses a particular body and family… the influences of individual and group karma… and how “soul contracts’’ are played out? All of which address the immense question… Where do we really go when we die? On Saturday, February 13, you’ll gain new insights, perspectives, and answers to many of these questions when you join William Bloom —  a leading metaphysical teacher in the United Kingdom and 40-year faculty member of the world-renowned Findhorn Foundation  — for  Explore Your Soul’s Journey: Metaphysical Wisdom for Living (and Beyond) With Love, Grace & Meaning. >> Join us here to  Discover how awareness of your soul’s journey can provide profound meaning << During this ...

Cultivate inner safety, resiliency, and wellbeing with BioDynamic Breathwork

When you’re living with lingering trauma, it can feel like your own strengths and the tools at your disposal just aren’t enough to help you cope in the moment — let alone grow and thrive.   Fortunately,  the resources you need for healing  are within you and all around you, every day. According to  Giten Tonkov’s BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System ,  resourcing  means calling into play anything or anyone that supports your wellbeing. These resources are a natural part of your life, yet  the process of  calling upon  these resources deftly, quickly, and easily must be learned. On Wednesday, February 10 ,  Giten will share how to access the resources around you — so you won’t feel as overwhelmed by outer circumstances, and so your nervous system becomes more resilient… >> Join here to  Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwo...

Discover how to move toward living a trauma-free life with BioDynamic Breathwork

When you’re living with lingering trauma, it can feel like your own strengths and the tools at your disposal just aren’t enough to help you cope in the moment — let alone grow and thrive.   Fortunately,  the resources you need for healing  are within you and all around you, every day. According to  Giten Tonkov’s BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System ,  resourcing  means calling into play anything or anyone that supports your wellbeing. These resources are a natural part of your life, yet  the process of  calling upon  these resources deftly, quickly, and easily must be learned. On Wednesday, February 10 ,  Giten will share how to access the resources around you — so you won’t feel as overwhelmed by outer circumstances, and so your nervous system becomes more resilient… >> Join here to  Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwo...

Discover how to manifest greater abundance, love, and generosity in your life

Awaken prosperity consciousness to activate your most desired life. Prosperity is not about money or living a life of luxury. It’s about abundance.  And abundance is born of the recognition that all our needs are met. When we feel secure, we can stop projecting ahead to what we want or what we think we need. We can feel “full” and stop operating out of lack or limitation. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith , internationally renowned spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, believes  acting with prosperity consciousness is the antidote to what ails the world  — discontentment, entitlement, and selfishness. Reverend Michael will share that when  you stop living as a reaction to circumstances and respond from the higher place of abundance , you expand and have choices because you have what you need. >> Join here to  Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Yo...

Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life

Discover how to manifest greater abundance, love, and generosity in your life. Prosperity is not about money or living a life of luxury. It’s about abundance.  And abundance is born of the recognition that all our needs are met. When we feel secure, we can stop projecting ahead to what we want or what we think we need. We can feel “full” and stop operating out of lack or limitation. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith , internationally renowned spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, believes  acting with prosperity consciousness is the antidote to what ails the world  — discontentment, entitlement, and selfishness. Reverend Michael will share that when  you stop living as a reaction to circumstances and respond from the higher place of abundance , you expand and have choices because you have what you need. >> Join here to  Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to ...

Get Free DIY Detox eGuide & Learn more about Toxins at Free Event February 8-14, 2021

No matter how hard you try, you’re still bound to accumulate toxins in your body. Many people are suffering from chronic symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, bloating or food intolerances and can’t quite get back to normal despite “doing the right things.” Toxins may be the culprit. Even if you know you need to detox, the topic of detox may sound overwhelming and complex but, actually, most of it is under your control and can be done at home. —>> Learn how to avoid toxins and detoxify them from your body when you attend this complimentary, online event! Be sure to mark your calendar for day 1 on February 8-14, 2021! Why attend this important health event? Your host, Bridgit Danner, entered the field of natural medicine because she was an environmentalist from a young age. But a few years ago, she experienced how severe environmental illness can be when she was exposed to toxic mold, became very sick and was unsure she’d ever recover. With patien...

Learn How to Avoid Toxins & Detoxify Them From Your Body + Free Detox eGuide

No matter how hard you try, you’re still bound to accumulate toxins in your body. Many people are suffering from chronic symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, bloating or food intolerances and can’t quite get back to normal despite “doing the right things.” Toxins may be the culprit. Even if you know you need to detox, the topic of detox may sound overwhelming and complex but, actually, most of it is under your control and can be done at home. —>> Learn how to avoid toxins and detoxify them from your body when you attend this complimentary, online event! Be sure to mark your calendar for day 1 on February 8-14, 2021! Why attend this important health event? Your host, Bridgit Danner, entered the field of natural medicine because she was an environmentalist from a young age. But a few years ago, she experienced how severe environmental illness can be when she was exposed to toxic mold, became very sick and was unsure she’d ever recover. With patie...

Must Watch Ancestral Healing Summit, February 22-26

Discover the personal, family & cultural benefits of ancestral healing. Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations… … their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and  especially  the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured. How much do you really know about them? Did you know that the  experiences of our ancestors can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving imprints on those who came after them  — including you? Many of us carry our ancestors’ traumas, along with our own, in our body, heart, mind, and soul… even if we’re not aware of it.  And, at a time like this, with a global pandemic and the layers and layers of loss we’re experiencing… with the outcry to heal grave intolerance and injustices against so many…   … at a time when collective trauma i...

Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 22-26 Summit

Discover practices to connect with your ancestors & open to joyful renewal. Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations… … their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and  especially  the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured. How much do you really know about them? Did you know that the  experiences of our ancestors can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving imprints on those who came after them  — including you? Many of us carry our ancestors’ traumas, along with our own, in our body, heart, mind, and soul… even if we’re not aware of it.  And, at a time like this, with a global pandemic and the layers and layers of loss we’re experiencing… with the outcry to heal grave intolerance and injustices against so many…   … at a time when collective tra...

Explore the Mind-blowing Concept that our Reality is a Collective Dream

Discover how to step into a more powerful way of being & co-create a better tomorrow. What would your life be like if you could perceive the challenges you’re facing as holding the very “medicine” you need to heal… to quell anxiety, fear, depression, overwhelm, and powerlessness?   To better navigate these uncertain times and help shift where we’re at — as individuals and as a planet  — spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author Paul Levy  believes we need to break out of the unconscious feedback loop we’re caught in… This collective psychosis or “mind virus” we’re perpetuating is continually and tangibly influencing our lives, culture, society, and future — simply by the way we observe them.   On Wednesday, February 3, Paul will help you discover how to tap into your creative agency and experience a life-altering shift in perceiving reality as a dream that can be co-created cons...