Discover the science behind your heart’s intelligence
Experience a practice called the Quick Coherence Technique for maintaining composure. Cultures around the world have believed the heart was the epicenter of the body and responsible for our feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Interestingly enough, science today is starting to support this perspective, finding that our energetic heart — not our brain — acts as the gateway to our higher self . Rollin McCraty, PhD’s work as a psycho-physiologist and Director of Research at the HearthMath Institute illustrates that feeling positive emotions like love or gratitude can put our body back in harmony and stabilize the rhythms of the heart. In this ideal state of coherence, the heart’s electromagnetic energy transmits waves of healing, inner peace, and wellbeing that not only affects us, but others around us. On Wednesday, June 30, Rollin will show you what it takes to achieve “heart coherence”… >> Join here to Discover the Scienc...