Guided Meditation to Discover the Psychic Mind-Virus - Wetiko, within You
Discover why transmuting the psychic mind-virus can ignite your creative powers. World circumstances are inviting us to undergo an inner alchemical transformation. We are collectively making a shamanic descent into the darkness of the unconscious, believes spiritual emergence pioneer Paul Levy , and undergoing an archetypal death and rebirth experience. Yet, the collective madness that appears to have overtaken our world can potentially help us see that there is something within us preventing our full evolutionary potential… something that can also potentially catalyze us to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality and remember the essence of who we are . Early Native Americans called this catalyst wetiko , and it’s a concept recognized in all spiritual traditions — a psychospiritual disease of the soul — a mind-virus or mental blindness that works through the blind spots of the unconscious. It is what feeds our shadow sides, those...