Everyday Mediumship – How to Holistically Connect w/the Spirit World Daily
Embrace your role as a soul who’s already connected to those beyond the veil. Like all of us, you were born with the ability to reach out to those beyond the veil through the power of mediumship . You can create and maintain a profound ongoing connection with those in the unseen dimensions… and receive closure and feel less alone when you experience for yourself how they’re already part of your very being… After all, your very soul, your divine essence, is part of one interconnected whole. Mediumship powerfully affirms this truth — that there’s life beyond our earthly embodiment, and that we’re all part of something much greater than the visible world. According to celebrated medium Suzanne Giesemann , you intrinsically are blessed with your own style of what she calls Holistic Mediumship — a way of living that brings what you practice in your mediumship sessions into ever...