Women Must Know Immune Boosting Guided Practice to Unlock Your Feminine Intuition
Reclaim your innate gift of female intuition using technique called “Emptying the Womb” . As women, we’re being called on to respond more boldly than ever before to unprecedented changes. According to mystical physician Dr. Christine Page , as global institutions become less reliable, the world is in desperate need of strong, insightful women to create a sustainable future for humanity . That begins with how we relate to our own powerful female bodies. Christine teaches that to safely surf these waves of shifting consciousness, women must stop relying solely on our intellectual minds, which can only confirm what we already know — and instead listen to and trust our heart-centered intuition . Discover three ways to reclaim your innate gift of female intuition . Christine will share how only your intuition can lovingly take you into the mystery of this era of change, where you can discover the fullness of who you are...