Spiritual Tools & Practices of 17th-century with Brother Lawrence & Unshakable Joy

Let Brother Lawrence help you cultivate deep gratitude for the present moment, discover practices for resilience, self-compassion & empathy

Each day, we’re bombarded with stressful news and other distractions — on our televisions and phones, in the conversations around us, and within our own quiet moments of reflection.

The wisdom our world needs right now, affirms Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, an award-winning translator of spiritual texts,  can be found in the teachings of Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour.

Brother Lawrence was a down-to-earth mystic, monastery cook, sandal repairer, and disabled veteran who limped painfully all his adult life. 

He lived through a time that was strikingly similar to our own — marked by authoritarianism, political division, social and economic disparities, climate crises, hunger, plague, global death, and war.

As a result, his writings, found after his death in 1691, are filled with profound yet practical tools and wisdom that apply to our moment in history — equipping us to live more calmly and deeply as we connect with ourselves, others, and God. 

On Thursday, June 16, join us for a powerful event with Carmen to discover more about Brother Lawrence’s gentle, simple practices for returning to love — and feeling more grounded in the midst of life’s biggest distractions and greatest challenges.

>> Register here for Practicing Unshakable Joy With Brother Lawrence,
the Friar d’Amour <<

Brother Lawrence’s practices for resilience, self-compassion & empathy

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A guided imagery exercise to befriend your feelings and welcome them into your life — so you can experience healing, let go of any desire for power and control, and create a space for what Brother Lawrence called “unspeakable joy”

  • How the teachings of 17th-century friar Brother Lawrence — including  the practice of the presence of God — are a beacon of hope that can help you navigate today’s challenges and crises

  • How to uncover the often repressed and overlooked feminine energy in Brother Lawrence’s teachings that can help you embody greater “mother compassion” — accepting the holy in yourself while listening to the holy in others

  • Brother Lawrence’s gentle, simple practices for returning to love and our inherent groundedness in the midst of everyday distractions and life’s greatest challenges 

  • The newest translations of Brother Lawrence’s teachings that unveil his path to self-compassion – and the importance of cultivating this quality to bring loving kindness into every encounter

As you’ll discover, Brother Lawrence’s wisdom and practices can bring you home again — into yourself and back to love — as you cultivate an inner sense of calm and the ability to act lovingly. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Practicing Unshakable Joy With Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour with Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD… 

… you’ll discover the powerful spiritual tools and practices of Brother Lawrence, the 17th-century Carmelite friar, for resilience, self-compassion, and empathy — to help you cultivate deep gratitude for the present moment and hope in the darkest of times.

Read more: Spiritual Tools & Practices of 17th-century with Brother Lawrence & Unshakable Joy


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