Harness “The Mystical Art of Attention” in an Age of Total Distraction

Discover Mystical teachings to help you combat overwhelm and “bad news fatigue”.

An awake heart is like a lighthouse helping others to find a safe way home.
―Rolf van der Wind

join mystics summit to receive gems of wisdom from ancient and present-day mystics, poetry, music, and experiential practices

As the increasing noise, chaos, and distraction presented by the daily global news cycle grow more intense, this unrelenting barrage of negativity can ignite a paralyzing fear response in your brain’s limbic region. 

The ensuing indecision you may feel can make it practically impossible for you to focus, leading to frustration, anger, or depression.  

It’s fight, flight, or freeze… on steroids! 

Thankfully, as we continue to navigate these potentially dangerous and unsettling waters, the reassuring lighthouse of mystical wisdom

… radiates its healing beams of safety to all of us, as we cling to our tiny life rafts while being buffeted by the unrelenting waves of shocking global transformation. 

As “wayshowers” throughout time, mystics encourage us to embrace a deep, still quality of mystical attention that allows us to commune directly with the sacred…

… and teach us to reconnect with truth that is timeless and essential, by harnessing “the mystical art of attention” in an age of total distraction.

Mystics have existed throughout time at “hinge points in history” — think plagues, floods, social upheavals, and wars — and also during growth periods such as the Renaissance…

… spurred on by their exuberant, spiritual hunger and creative, innovative responses to the wildly dramatic changes unfolding around them.

In the soul-stirring Mystics Summit, we’re presenting an all-star cohort of seasoned scholars and mystical seekers who will support you in reconnecting to love as a safe harbor amidst life’s crashing storms.

You’ll encounter celebrated figures like Hadewijch of Antwerp, Thomas Aquinas, Brother Lawrence, Jesus of Nazareth, Plato, Copernicus, da Vinci

… as well as contemporaries like Thomas Merton, Einstein, Tesla, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and others.

Join Free Online Event:
Mystics Summit - Unveil the Secrets of Mystics Across the Time
August 8-12, 2022

mystics summit to receive gems of wisdom from ancient and present-day mystics, poetry, music, and experiential practices

This timely event features more than 30 scholars, teachers, and contemporary mystics — including Reverend Dr. Heiwa no Bushi, Mirabai Starr, Banafsheh Sayyad, Father Greg Boyle, Alexander John Shaia, Taya Mâ Shere, James Finley, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Rev. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Matthew Fox, and many others…

… demonstrating ways to embody this sacred knowledge so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from quintessential mystical teachings across time. 

Throughout this landmark summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from ancient and present-day mystics, but also poetry, music, and experiential practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion you carry within your own heart and mind.

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

During this seminal 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to unravel a lifetime of oppressive training — to express hidden gifts as a profound step on the mystic’s path 

  • The 7 qualities of love mirroring the Divine at your core — Receptivity, Delight, Expansiveness, Vulnerability, Acceptance, Mystery, and Gratitude

  • How to perceive the universal practices and concepts that open anyone to mystical experiences

  • The Sufi way as a devotional path of love and intimacy

  • How the reclaimed origins of Christian mysticism reveal the all-but-lost original heart of Christian wisdom — and why it’s making a comeback today

  • And much more… 

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

You’ll feel a deep sense of safety that mysticism can provide you with a sheltered port in a storm, gently guiding you to reawaken to your soul’s own knowledge and intuition

By connecting with these venerated mystics yourself, you can de-mystify mysticism and move into, claim, and sustain this mystical lifeline to your timeless essence.

In fact, you may discover that the great mystics of the past weren’t unapproachable “saints,” but were very human and flawed, and wrestled with the same challenges many of us are dealing with right now.

You’re invited to discover how you, like the mystics, can unlock your own ecstatic internal guidance, satisfying your desire to reconnect in a mystical union with the Divine…

… as you learn to embody “the mystical art of attention” so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from quintessential mystical teachings across time. 

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Alexander John Shaia, PhD, will remind us that everyone is already a mystic, and everything is spiritual, including nature and its embodied sensuality. 

  • Andrew Harvey will discuss the sublime and astounding work of the great 13th-century beguine Christian woman mystic, Hadewijch of Antwerp.

  • His Sacred Humanness, The Venerable Reverend Dr. Heiwa no Bushi, will examine the benefits of propelling ourselves into confusion and doubt, finding Truth in the insightful fear we experience by moving through the chaos.

  • Mirabai Starr will reveal that the great mystical masters of the past are available as beacons of wisdom and compassion to light your way as you navigate the mapless terrain of these tumultuous times.

  • Taya Mâ Shere speaks to the ancient art of prayer and the power of pulsing presence in body and spirit, inviting us to root ourselves in ancestral healing as a path to thrive.

  • Father Greg Boyle opines that to follow the path of the mystic, love is the answer, community is the context, and tenderness is the connective tissue. 

  • Rabbi Rami Shapiro will reveal that the ancient fourfold truth of Perennial Wisdom at the mystic heart of many religions is key to your future thriving.

  • Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, will invite you to explore the mystical path followed by Brother Lawrence, who joyfully expressed Divine Feminine energy while working in a 17th-century monastery kitchen.

  • Rev. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD, helps us connect the dots between contemplation and action so that an ethical future can emerge.

  • James Finley, PhD, will discuss American Trappist monk and modern-day mystic Thomas Merton’s insights about the true self that contributed to his own mystical awakening. 

  • Matthew Fox ponders whether viewing images of the earliest galaxies and stars now beaming into our living rooms courtesy of the Webb Telescope will awaken us to the sacredness of our 13.8 billion-year journey.

  • Banafsheh Sayyad will show that what you know in and through the wisdom of the body is more concrete than the abstract “knowing” that resides mostly in your head.

You’ll be in good hands with summit hosts Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, and Mike Morrell, who will guide you through five incredible days packed with quality content… 

… allowing you to soak in enlightening conversations with present-day mystics (the wisdom keepers of our times), and also participate in grounding, experiential practices.    

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Harness “The Mystical Art of Attention” in an Age of Total Distraction


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