Ancient Incan Sacred Ceremonial Practices, Mythology & Cosmovision
While many of us long for radiant health and wellbeing and strive to prioritize it in our routines and lives — most of us don’t realize it’s nothing less than our sacred right. Like any other sacred element of your life , you can connect to your health and wellbeing through your ancestors and spirit guides, according to Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona . Puma, an Andean lineage holder, was trained in ancient ways by his grandfather from the age of six. He teaches and guides students from around the world, sharing his passion for ancestral Incan teachings — and his profound respect for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and plant medicine supporting our Global Consciousness awakening. As Puma teaches, the ancestors already laid out the Four Pillars of Complete Wellbeing — a path for you to follow to reach the mental, spiritual, and physical health you’re destined for… On Saturday, ...