Hive Christianity for Spiritual Illumination - New Vision Spiritual Practice
Experience a 5-step guided meditation practice to cultivate deep peace and greater awareness. As we navigate this time of enormous societal upheaval, it’s understandable to be anxious about the future, even if we’re on a spiritual path. While these are stressful and scary times to live through, what if this moment is actually a chapter in a much larger story that’s unfolding? According to Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining , an Episcopal priest and seminary teacher, we’re in a global spiritual upheaval that comes along every 500 years , when the way we understand ourselves and the world around us changes. During these periods of spiritual revolution, mystics and trailblazing wisdom schools respond to the moment, supporting and guiding seekers as they spiritually evolve. So how do we put our focus on that which is birthing in us and within the Christian tradition, so we can help propel this positive future? Explore the evolution we’re being called to...