
Showing posts from March, 2023

Discover Hidden Key to Your Spiritual Awakening for Clearer Intuition

Open the lesser-known alta major chakra to enhance your health & improve your life. The alta major chakra, also known as the  mouth of God , is  a minor chakra with a big role : providing clear access to divine guidance  and  your intuitive abilities. Medical intuitive Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD , says it’s also part of a larger body-mind nexus within the nervous system that’s designed to nurture the divine presence  that inherently exists  within your physiology… … making it a crucial component for humanity’s evolution as we continue to individually and collectively grow into our true identities and shared purpose. On Thursday, March 30, with Tiffany, you’ll explore a well-kept secret of your energetic anatomy: the alta major chakra… and how it serves as  a gateway to higher guidance and health, a portal for awakening and healing , and a bridge between spiritual and physical consciousness. >>...

Explore the Science & Mysteries of Psychic Messages & Intuitive Insights

Tune in to the cosmos to navigate life’s transitions & live more fully. Extrasensory abilities are naturally developed within us by being more receptive to the subtler and finer messages around us. We all have extrasensory, as well as sensory, faculties. ―  Donna Goddard  Do you sometimes wonder if the Universe is sending you important messages, but you’re just not picking up on the signals? Ever wish you had a way to amplify and refine your psychic abilities to more easily access and navigate invisible realms?  Wouldn’t it be liberating to enhance your intuition and harness your healing gifts by gently releasing anxiety, confusion, or overwhelm… … giving you the clarity you need to interpret celestial signs and synchronicities that can give you clear guidance for effective decision-making and problem-solving? One of the most enticing invitations of the  Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit  is to learn to expand your...

Metabolize Your life w/ Ayurvedic Techniques - Healthy Eating Habits & True Self

Discover how to physically and mentally digest food (& life) through your 5 senses. Did you know that the quality of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health can be traced to your digestive system? In fact, in the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda, poor digestion is considered the root cause of all disease. Your overall quality of digestion is used by Ayurvedic practitioners as a barometer of wellbeing for everything going on inside of you… … whether it’s your thoughts and emotions, your spiritual health, or your sense of inner agency manifesting as heightened clarity, higher purpose, and connectedness. All of which begins, as  Ayurvedic doctor Marc Halpern  teaches, with how well your eating habits support your true self or inner constitution — known as your  dosha  in Ayurveda medicine… …  and  how integrated your senses are in working together to  digest the totality of what you see, hea...

Discover key tools & ancient technologies for uncovering & pursuing your purpose

Explore the 5 key factors that can make pursuing your purpose easier & more enjoyable. Have you ever felt like you missed your true calling…  or have yet to fully understand it? Do you feel pulled to try something new and exciting, yet also feel uneasy about all the ways it could potentially change your life? As strange as it may sound, these inner reflections may actually be auspicious signs along your true life path. In fact, feeling disconnected from yourself and disenchanted by your current reality are  common conundrums for those who are  awakening to their true life purpose …    … or, their  next  purpose, according to  Enneagram expert   Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD , who teaches that we already hold within us the map for uncovering and actualizing our gifts — and the deeper yearnings of our hearts. By learning how to  work with  instead of  against  our true natures using the Enneagram, an a...

Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Tone Vagus Nerve

Discover potent energy medicine for balancing your nervous system & improving sleep. When navigating times of stress or uncertainty, much of our energy goes toward simply getting through the day. However, you know that far more is possible. You’ve tasted it in your deeper journey into the frontiers of health, wellbeing, and personal transformation.   Yet, it’s easy to slide backwards into neglecting yourself. After functioning in survival mode for an extended period, we’re emerging into a time in which we require a deep level of replenishment and restoration, as we release the traumas and stressors of recent years.   According to  Dr. Melanie Smith , Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner,  you can rewrite the imprinted patterns that trauma and stress leave on your nervous system  — as you enhance your immunity, reclaim your health, and take back your personal power. It all starts with a deeper understa...

Unlock Clairvoyant Powers - Crystal Facet of Your Biofield to Clear-see Your Best Life

Experience a guided practice that enables you to more easily manifest a fulfilling future. What if you were more clairvoyant than you think?  And what if you could turn on this multifaceted psychic capability for  perceiving future events  whenever you need it? As you access more of your natural clairvoyant abilities, you can perform healings for yourself and others, analyze the past, receive spiritual guidance, connect with your deeper soul,  manifest your authentic desires , listen to your body and feelings, get a glimpse into possible futures — and sometimes even  design  possible futures…    Most significantly, you have the power to open up, set a course, and live your best life,  starting now .  If you’re curious to discover life-enhancing tools and practices that can help you access or uplevel the profound gift of clairvoyance you’ve always had… Join respected intuitive energy healer   Cyndi Dale...

Experience a “Shaking Meditation” to Release Stress, Tension & Trauma

Discover how primitive reflexes can shake trauma and tension out of your body. Imagine moving through painful trauma, stress, and tension, and discovering a heightened state of wellbeing, ease, and joy… You were designed to naturally live free of painful emotions and trauma… and your body’s natural reflexes may hold the key, says  Steve Haines , a teacher of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE ® ), a gentle therapeutic technique that has helped thousands of people around the world. TRE assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma , which calms down the nervous system. After doing TRE, many people have reported feelings of peace and wellbeing. Numerous healing modalities focus primarily on the mental or emotional causes of trauma, requiring that you  relive  or  understand  the associated stress and pain as a means to overcome it… In contrast, TRE engages your primitive reflexes to rev...

Release Trauma of Your Birth Story with Feminine Breathwork Practices

Explore where breath and your birth story meet & influence your health & relationships. Did you know that more than half of the body’s toxins can be released through breathing? Most of us don’t actually reap this benefit, however, because we take shallow breaths that energize limiting subconscious patterns… … instead of breathing from the full capacity of our lungs and our greater potential for expansiveness. This causes our bodies to compress and contract rather than release what no longer serves us, impeding our ability to expand into the best version of ourselves — self-aware, empowered, and able to access the virtues and gifts that we entered the world with. Although a constricted breath like this can often be tra ced all the way back to your birth story, it can  be transformed by consciously breathing into the areas within you that have been “stuck,” according to  Clarity Breathwork co-founders Ashanna Solaris and Dana Dh...

Discover How to Connect Your Spirit Guides & Work w/ Your Spirit Team

Experience guided meditation to connect with one or several of your spirit guides. Are you being called to embrace your spiritual path or psychic gifts in a much deeper way? Psychic medium Sheila Vijeyarasa  has helped people around the world realize that  they actually are connected to guides who can help them develop their psychic abilities . In fact, an entire spirit team has been waiting patiently for you to call them into action. Sheila cautions that the first steps on this spiritual journey can be daunting and confusing. Instead of easy access and expected bliss, there can be uncertainty and doubt. Questions may pop up:  Can I trust what I hear or feel?… What is true guidance and what is just coincidence?… Why do I feel alone instead of connected?… Will guidance really be there for me when I need it?   Sheila will share how you can confidently identify, call upon, and work with your spirit guides.  She’ll also offer practical ...

Keys to Evidential Mediumship for Building Confidence in Your Readings

Embrace a mediumship mindset that enables communication with spirits beyond the veil. Have you been curious about how some people can consistently get trustworthy evidence and communication from the other side that can truly change lives? If your soul has chosen the sacred path of mediumship, you know it’s not just something you turn to occasionally — it’s a way of life. Due to the profoundly intimate, deeply spiritual nature of the medium’s soul-to-soul communication,  your mindset must be more refined  than the ordinary, day-to-day human mindset, says celebrated mystic and medium  Suzanne Giesemann , a former U.S. Navy Commander and the author of 13 books.   The  mediumship mindset,  by contrast, sets your soul free to dance  as you embody the powerful truth that you’re limitless, and that anything is possible. You trust that your spirit guides stand ready to help you at all times, and understand that life is all about ...

Watch News of Biofield Science, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, EFT & More

Explore the latest in energy medicine, mind-body therapies & personal transformation. Ever feel lost in a sea of conflicting information about what healing path to take?  Would you love to feel confident in designing your own individualized,  comprehensive wellness program?   The good news is that  you have a  lot  of power when it comes to determining your own health outcomes .  Through epigenetics  —  gene expression in relation to its environment  —  it’s been demonstrated that  by using discernment plus your own powerful intuition , you can modify your daily habits to engage in new behavior patterns that can optimize your health. You can also  mitigate potential negative health predictors indicated by your genes , including medical issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer… resulting in  greater energy, mobility, and joy NOW . In the past few years, exciting research has ...

Qigong Movements for Women Specifically Designed to Release Stress (trapped Qi)

Experience “The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water” embodied movement practice. At this pivotal moment, ancient practices have come forward to serve the greater good like never before — and this is uniquely true for women, who are in many ways the backbone of society. When women are  empowered to alleviate illness and disease in themselves and their families , it can make a life-changing, lasting difference in our world. Daisy Lee  created  Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong  to support women’s personal development and self-healing knowledge with movement techniques that are gentle, yet dynamic and highly effective.   Whether you’re experiencing a health challenge and want to accelerate your healing, or longing to increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve your mental focus — you can find new levels of wellbeing and rediscover yourself in a whole new way with Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong. On Saturday, March 25, y...