Cultivate Your Inner Vision & Better Eyesight w/ Interoception

Discover where self-perceptions and your physical eyesight meet.

A profound connection exists between our self-perceptions and the quality of our vision. We literally see our inner landscape more clearly when our outer vision is optimal.

By cultivating and developing the capacity to see ourselves, learning how to view life with a sense of clarity and neutrality in our perspective, osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle says we can actually improve our eyesight — as what we physically see and how we feel about what we see are interrelated.

He’ll share more about how this somatic-based intervention works, and guide in a somatic movement practice to embody health and direct these forces to our eyes, during his free online event on Tuesday, December 12.

>> Register here for Use Interoception to Improve Your Eyesight and “See” Into Your Health: Gain Insights About Your Physical Health & Wellbeing Using a New Somatic Formula for Self-Healing <<

Join osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha for a free online event to cultivate your inner vision & better eyesight with interoception

Brian teaches others how to use their inner vision, or interoception, to “see” how our internal perceptions are affecting our health. 

… and then guides us in using clinical biodynamic osteopathic practices to track and direct the positive health in our system to our eyes and other places within us that need healing. 

During this literally “eye-opening” hour, you’ll:

  • Learn what the health in your system looks and feels like using interoception — and potent insights on how to locate the health in your system

  • Be guided in a somatic movement practice to embody the health and direct these forces to your eyes

  • Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the formative embryological forces that are still helping you now

  • Explore Brian’s biodynamic osteopathic formula for self-healing

  • Discover the connection between your inner and outer vision — and how you can apply Brian’s formulas for self-healing to your vision

As a pioneer in the field of somatic education, a certified Hanna Somatic Educator®, an osteopath, and a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, Brian teaches that we always have more health within us than the conditions, illnesses, or pains that we identify with. 

Cultivating interoception, we can begin to look inward with compassion and intention, which allows us to access, embody, and circulate the healing forces that exist in our bodies — and actually improve our vision and the rest of our well-being.

>> If this exploration resonates with you, RSVP for free here <<

Join us on Tuesday, December 12, for osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle’s free online event, Use Interoception to Improve Your Eyesight and “See” Into Your Health: Gain Insights About Your Physical Health & Wellbeing Using a New Somatic Formula for Self-Healing…

…  where you’ll unlock the profound connection between health and what we see and feel within us using interoception and the powerful clinical practices of biodynamic osteopathy to improve your sight and optimize your overall health.

Read more: Cultivate Your Inner Vision & Better Eyesight w/ Interoception


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