Get Full Healing Power of Your Herbs, Vitamins & Supplements by Synergizing them

Watch as master herbalist David Crow potentizes herbs with nutraceuticals.

How many supplements and herbal remedies do you take on a daily basis? 

Did you know that using herbs and supplements to treat your symptoms can actually make them worse? 

Master herbalist David Crow will share why during his free online event this Thursday, March 21, including demonstrating through hands on mixing and formulating using teas, tinctures, and nutraceutical products how to potentize herbs with nutraceuticals.

>> Register here for Synergizing Herbs & Nutraceuticals for Full-Body Health: Proven Ways to Optimize the Potency of Your Supplements, Vitamins & Herbal Remedies.

watch master herbalist David Crow synergizing herbs & nutraceuticals for full-body health optimize potency of vitamins herbal remedies supplements

The term nutraceuticals denotes the many types of unregulated over-the-counter supplements that have reputed nutritional and therapeutic effects on the body…

… that can either optimize your health, do nothing at all, or potentially aggravate symptoms if you don’t know how to properly use them.

Learning how to combine herbs and nutraceuticals in a holistic way vs just treating your symptoms as most conventional medicines do, can help you obtain full-body health — and prevent and treat a range of physical, mental, and emotional ailments

… whether digestive problems, cognitive issues, boosting cellular health and immunity, detoxifying the body, or easing inflammation.

During David’s illuminating online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the 8 primary categories of nutraceuticals — and how they can be correlated and combined synergistically with herbs and herbal formulas

  • Learn 3 ways that you can potentize herbs with nutraceuticals during a demonstration by David — including mixing and formulating using teas, tinctures, and nutraceutical products

  • Discover the importance of knowing the taste, temperature, and energies of nutraceuticals according to the terminology and concepts of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines

  • Recognize how you can harness the synergies of herbs and nutraceuticals optimizes physiological functions to improve health, reduce symptoms, and prevent illness

  • Discover how correct formulation with herbs can prevent the common misuses and abuses of nutraceuticals products

Preventing and treating yourself for health challenges requires a high level of knowledge about your body, how to use the best remedies to improve current symptoms, and most importantly, how to prevent them from worsening and transforming into more chronic conditions.

With decades of experience and knowledge, David is masterful at harnessing the energetics of plant medicines and nutraceuticals to harmonize and balance your body systems.

I warmly welcome you to join us on Thursday to learn more about best practices and how to increase the efficiency and potency of your herbs and nutraceuticals when self-treating your ailments. You can RSVP here.

Join us this Thursday, March 21, for Synergizing Herbs & Nutraceuticals for Full-Body Health: Proven Ways to Optimize the Potency of Your Supplements, Vitamins & Herbal Remedies…

… a free online event with master herbalist David Crow where you’ll discover how potentizing herbs with nutraceuticals by combining them can help you take your self-care regimen to a higher level of treatment and prevention and consistently optimize your health holistically.

David teaches that herbs and nutraceutical products can be safely synergized and potentized following the principles of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines — and help us obtain ongoing full-body health.

Read more: Get Full Healing Power of Your Herbs, Vitamins & Supplements by Synergizing them


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