Connect w/ Archangels for Guidance & Healing (Free Event!) - Explore V Diagram

Connect with angels, gods & goddesses for guidance & protection. Heal a personal struggle with a message from a higher light being.

There have undoubtedly been challenges in your life that you haven’t yet been able to resolve. So how do you get through them and receive the kind of resolution you need to reclaim your peace of mind?

Spiritual teacher and author Shakti Durga calls the journey to heal these deep challenges a “quest,” and, big or small, she can show you how to call on the denizens of higher realms — the beings we often name gods, goddesses, and archangels…

 … to support you in navigating these difficulties with more clarity, ease, and grace.

Join Shakti Durga on Saturday, June 22, for a free online event in which she’ll invite you to evoke archangelic support to protect and assist you on your current quest.

You’ll explore what Shakti Durga calls the “V Diagram” — a map of multi-dimensional consciousness that illustrates the levels of otherworldly realms…

… taking you from the physical (where humans exist in corporeal form) to the etheric  (your chakras, aura, energy centers, and meridians) to the astral plane (where we do our thinking, remembering, visualizing, and more)…

… to the soul dimension (where we access our intuition and flow state) and finally to the infinite (a state of pure bliss, where unity consciousness exists beyond form).  

In this event, Shakti Durga will guide you into the soul dimension where she says that these higher beings reside — with a specific intent to receive a message from archangels.
> You can register here for Access Messages From the Archangels: How to Gain Protection & Support From Divine Realms for Your Journey

Access Messages From the Archangels: How to Gain Protection & Support From Divine Realms for Your Journey

In this one-hour event, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of the spiritual plane through a relatable and simple model — the V Diagram — and the role of archangels, gods, and goddesses in helping you navigate your life with greater ease and grace  

  • Identify an area of challenge in your life and ask for help from the archangels to learn and grow through it

  • Participate in the Archangelic Ararita meditative chant, as well as a guided meditation to connect with the archangels and seek their guidance and support

  • Experience a group “Ignite Your Spirit” lift and shift session for blessings and upliftment

  • Learn about the greater quest of life, which is to move from ego identification into the blazing union with your own higher soul, a journey that gods, goddesses, and archangels are designed to help you with

You’re likely to walk away from this hour with an expanded feeling of your true essence — a bright, luminous, and potent soul who can move through the world with more stability and purpose.

You can RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording

Read more: Connect w/ Archangels for Guidance & Healing (Free Event!) - Explore V Diagram


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