
Showing posts from September, 2024

Qigong Practice to cultivate the Shen & regulate Nervous System

Open your chest & fire meridians with the Sea of Tranquility Qigong The heart is a miraculous organ — contracting and relaxing one hundred thousand times per day, at the precise rhythm to sustain your life.  Energetically,  the heart is the home of your spirit, called  shen  in Chinese, says celebrated Qigong teacher  Marisa Cranfill , creator of YOQI® (Yoga + Qigong).  You’re invited to join us Saturday, September 28, for a new 60-minute event in which Marisa will lead you through  an exploration of the Heart of Qigong . You’ll explore how your shen impacts your mental health and emotions, your nervous system, and evolution and spiritual transformation. Click here to register for free. During the event, Marisa will guide you through a seated practice  called “The Sea of Tranquility,” where you’ll  open your chest and the fire meridians that connect to the shen  — to tap into your ...

Free Webinar: Talk to Plants & Heal Yourself w/ Plant Spirit Medicine

Open to the healing messages of herbs through a plant communion ritual. You may know that ingesting certain herbs and flowers, inhaling their diffused scents, or anointing yourself with their oils and essences… … can help heal the systems of your body, decrease pain, increase longevity, bolster your immune system, improve cognitive capacity, provide emotional relief, and more.   Are you aware that you can also reap those benefits (and more!) by  getting to know the plants on a  somatic and energetic level , communicating with them, and receiving messages… … through your body’s intuitive and sensual awareness?   Clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess Seraphina Capranos  has created a new system of absorbing the transformative messages from plants through a process she calls a  plant communion practice … … simply  smelling and tasting a plant and intuitively absorbing its wisdom  while ...

Unlock your Quantum Intuition for better Decision Making & Guidance

Discover Quantum Intuition & tap into your psychic abilities. Do you have a powerful sense of intuition — but aren’t quite ready to fully trust it? Maybe you don’t find it consistent enough. Or perhaps you’re even a little frightened by your intuition, confused by what it’s trying to tell you, or you sometimes wonder whether it’s even real. Intuition is a  natural part of living in a quantum universe , and supernatural and psychic phenomena are connected to your ultimate human potential, says  Kim Chestney, founder of IntuitionLab. When you open yourself to moving beyond the conditioning of your everyday  thinking mind  so you can instead tune into the  guiding signals of your microcosmic inner realm  — home of your intuition — you can  expand your personal power and unleash your full potential . You’re invited to  Kim’s special hour-long event to  begin to feel more confid...

Free EFT Tapping Event: Create Your Dream Life with Deep Clearing

Discover deep-clearing EFT to intentionally create the life you desire. Could your current habits and deeper programming be unintentionally hindering the future you want?  Imagine changing one of these habits through a powerful future-imaging EFT (tapping) exercise, to more easily attract what you truly desire. Join The Shift Network on  Thursday, September 5 , and experience  energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise’s  unique, proven approach to EFT tapping — to transform fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger quickly and effectively, grounding you in the present moment. Register here:  Experience Deep-Clearing EFT (Tapping) to Intentionally Create the Life You Desire. You’ll tap on something you want to do in your future — picture the behavior you’re engaging in now, and the behavior you want to engage in instead, so you can begin to make it your new reality and energetically resonate with it. When you’re triggered, tapping resets your...