Uncover Your Soul’s Plan: Guided Meditation, Channeled Wisdom & Pre-Birth Regression

Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life

This is an opportunity for you to receive fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years — a period Rob refers to as a time of Ascension.

These are times of heightened anxiety and fear in which the perceived chaos actually contains the potential jolt that can serve as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to surrender to the true safety of the Oneness within.

Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online, Get New Book & More Gifts

Watch UNSINKABLE - Life-Changing MOVIE - You'll LOVE it

“I just watched your incredible movie: Unsinkable – Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother… what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe”

Free Guide & BBC Event: 5X Your Coaching Business w/ John Assaraf (Limited Time)

Get 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business Manual pdf book download free! Business Breakthrough Challenge - June 2024

Struggling to attract clients? John Assaraf, a world-renowned business expert, is giving away his proven strategies for multiplying your coaching or consulting business by 5! Download his FREE guide, “How to 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business” and learn powerful neuro-marketing methods and Law of Attraction techniques to explode your sales.

Chakradance: Archetypal Healing Dance Practice – Jungian approach

learn how Chakradance, a powerful fusion of spontaneous dance, energizing chakra music, and immersive visualizations, can help you shift from pain to hope and possibility

Natalie says that Chakradance is a “joyful affirmation of who you truly are,” activating the primal part of you. It invites gentle healing by allowing buried emotions and traumas to slowly surface — layer by layer — through the loving wisdom and awareness of the body.

See How You Can Decipher Symbols, Omens, Synchronicities & Dreams

Interpret signs from your soul to upgrade your innate psychic abilities

Learn how to enter an alpha brainwave state to tune in to the right side of your brain, which houses your intuition and recognizes signs, symbols, and omens. You can then, at will, allow the left side of your brain to take over, decode, and make meaning of those psychic clues.

If you’re at a crossroads and looking for a deeper connection to your internal guidance system, this hour with Lisa promises to ignite a spark of confidence in the wellspring of knowledge and insight awaiting to be accessed within you.

Start the New Year off w/ a Ceremonial Blessing from Mirabai Starr.

Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Radiant Human Essence

In Navigate Your Spiritual Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Radiant Human Essence with Mirabai Starr…

… you’ll be guided to dismiss the commonly accepted notion that enlightenment requires a lifetime of effort, and affirm that a direct experience of mystical connection is possible.

Explore how life is about fully embracing the human experience exactly as it is, but with a new and deeper understanding.

Raise Your Energetic Shield to Ward off Negativity & Stress (Simple Technique) Guided Practice

Build a Psychic Shield of Protection Against Toxic Energy Blessings & Cleansing Practices for Warding Off Unhealthy Influences & Aggressive Behavior

When you register for Build a Psychic Shield of Protection Against Toxic Energy with Dr. William Bloom, renowned educator and practitioner of metaphysics and spirituality…

… you’ll learn how to raise your energy to ward off negativity and stress anytime you need.

We hope you’ll join the event as scheduled on Saturday, January 6. But if you register and miss it, we’ll send you a recording soon after the event concludes.

Music Therapy for Inner Peace using Ancient Healing Sounds

sound-healing practice to deepen relaxation, improve quality of sleep, improve your cognitive function and alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia

In Discover a Harmonic Path to Hope Through Ancient Sacred Healing Sounds: Sonic Rejuvenation to Cultivate Inner Peace, Resilience & Elevated Wellbeing During Turbulent Times with acclaimed composer and pioneer in music therapy Yuval Ron…

… you’ll learn ancient sound healing techniques to rejuvenate your brain health, enhance your cognitive clarity, and instill a profound sense of inner peace within.

Transform Your Life: Break Free from Self-Sabotage & Trauma Patterns

Healing Your Karmic Trauma. Be guided in a meditation to bring awareness to your fractal patterns

In Heal Your Karmic Trauma Patterns: Experience a Potent Practice to Change Your Energetic Imprints Through Fractal Repatterning with Dr. Keesha Ewers…

… you’ll explore the five self-sabotaging patterns created from early childhood trauma and how shifting out of them can help you neutralize mental and emotional reactivity — and initiate new pathways for health, happiness, and wellbeing.

Unlock Your True Potential w/ Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times

Harness the Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times How a Fusion of the I Ching, Astrology & the Human Design System Can Illuminate YOUR Unique Path

Unlock your true nature and rise above the chaos of these challenging times with The Gene Keys. This evolutionary system, guided by Richard Rudd, offers practical tools to transform your life and access higher states of consciousness. Gene Keys Ambassador Mark Bentley supports your personal growth journey, providing insights tailored to your unique needs. Discover the power within your DNA and live with confidence, clarity, and joy. Embrace abundance and navigate global transitions with grace. Thrive in the face of change and unlock your full potential with The Gene Keys.