Women Mantras for Spiritual Connection, Health, Ease & Focus

Mantras of the Divine Feminine for Healing & Liberation Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss

You’ll discover how two goddesses can help you access your own Divine Feminine energy, clear stuck energies that need to be released, and fill you up with co-creative bliss and a deep inner knowing that all is well… ensuring that you’re aligned with spiritual power to manifest beauty, peace, and truth in the world.

Discover the Secrets for Healing Your Cells (Free live online event)

Discover Cellular Healing Secrets With Interval Entrainment Healing Experience How Sound Frequency & Vibration Can Activate Whole-Body Wellness

Sound connects you to the universe and everyone in it through its vibrational nature, and serves as the gateway to your spirit — to your energy and light and that place of truth and wholeness within where your healing can expand to its highest level.

In this illuminating workshop, Dr. Higgins will provide a light-hearted yet profound introduction to Interval Entrainment Healing, her unique healing innovation that uses tuning forks in harmonic balance with your own thoughtful intention.

This is an opportunity for you to create a bridge between the physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself and bring your body back into balance.

Watch News of Biofield Science, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, EFT & More

biofield science, energy medicine & whole-system healing

Now you can join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including leading-edge scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit.