Free EFT Tapping Event: Create Your Dream Life with Deep Clearing

Discover deep-clearing EFT to intentionally create the life you desire
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Discover deep-clearing EFT to intentionally create the life you desire.

Could your current habits and deeper programming be unintentionally hindering the future you want? 

Imagine changing one of these habits through a powerful future-imaging EFT (tapping) exercise, to more easily attract what you truly desire.

Join The Shift Network on Thursday, September 5, and experience energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise’s unique, proven approach to EFT tapping — to transform fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger quickly and effectively, grounding you in the present moment.

Register here: Experience Deep-Clearing EFT (Tapping) to Intentionally Create the Life You Desire.

Discover deep-clearing EFT to intentionally create the life you desire

You’ll tap on something you want to do in your future — picture the behavior you’re engaging in now, and the behavior you want to engage in instead, so you can begin to make it your new reality and energetically resonate with it.

When you’re triggered, tapping resets your amygdala so you’re free to set healthy boundaries, regain composure, and eventually not feel triggered anymore.

For over two decades, Mary has helped thousands quickly break through their resistance to becoming their authentic selves — overcoming familiar trigger reactions like fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger, and stifling personal stories of blame or shame.

During the event, Mary will explain how transmuting the energies of unbeneficial thinking and beliefs with the power of EFT (tapping) can help you create a coherent energy field — that can ultimately manifest the future you envision.

I hope you’ll join The Shift Network for this fascinating new event with Mary, one of their most-beloved faculty. RSVP here.



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