Discover Yourself as One with the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying

You’ll learn about the historical evidence of otherworldly shamanic contact between Indigenous peoples and legendary visitors from the skies, and how such visitations have influenced our cultural development.

You’ll also discover how experiencing such visitations can help you cultivate the courage, strength, and love you need to face and transform life’s challenges.

Chant along with Krishna Das & Experience the Joy & Peace of This Spiritual Practice

Chanting Practice with Krishna Das A Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of Mind

In Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das: A Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of Mind, Krishna Das will show you how chanting can help you come home to your Self, move more deeply into your heart, and release and transform the negative stories you believe about yourself and the world.