Combine Multiple Energy Healing Modalities To Expand Conscious Awareness & Mastery (5-day event)

Energy Medicine Summit 2023

In this year’s Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll find all the information you need to help you tap into this vast wellspring of healing expertise, offering you access to some of the world’s foremost teachers on energy medicine, all conveniently gathered in one place.

The healing impact of these teachings is profound, echoing the transformative power of a multidisciplinary approach, as you explore a broad spectrum of energy medicine modalities…

… including Reiki, biofield tuning, sound healing, therapeutic touch, breathwork, acupuncture, plant medicine and psychedelics, light therapy, chakra toning, and more.

Transform Your Life: Break Free from Self-Sabotage & Trauma Patterns

Healing Your Karmic Trauma. Be guided in a meditation to bring awareness to your fractal patterns

In Heal Your Karmic Trauma Patterns: Experience a Potent Practice to Change Your Energetic Imprints Through Fractal Repatterning with Dr. Keesha Ewers…

… you’ll explore the five self-sabotaging patterns created from early childhood trauma and how shifting out of them can help you neutralize mental and emotional reactivity — and initiate new pathways for health, happiness, and wellbeing.