Simple & Powerful EFT Tapping Exercise Raising Brainwaves of Positive Emotions

Join Dawson Church to learn simple EFT tapping exercise to promote the brainwave frequency of positive emotions

In Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality, you’ll experience an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) exercise for quickly releasing the chemical charge of negative thinking to promote the beneficial brainwave frequency of positive emotions.

Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Tone Vagus Nerve

Experience Your Vagus Nerve’s Holistic Healing Power: Potent Energy Medicine to Balance Your Nervous System, Ease Stress & Improve Sleep

If you’re suffering from trauma, PTSD, heart rate variability, or other stress-related symptoms, it’s likely that your vagus nerve has been compromised — resulting in imbalances in your system.

This is your opportunity to receive easy yet potent energy medicine exercises that tap into your vagus nerve to relax and restore your mind, body, and spirit.