Recover From Emotional Exhaustion Guided Practice for Women

Emotional Exhaustion - Reclaim Your Vitality & Your Life With 5 Pillars for Recovery From the Habit of Overgiving

This event is for women’s first step to recover their emotional balance, energy, and sovereignty by embracing an embodied self-care approach that prioritizes and empowers your deepest needs, desires, and authenticity — instead of what others expect and want you to be

Explore Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health – Guided Practices

Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health Gentle Practices to Cultivate Resilience, Move Through Emotions & Access Your Natural Vibrancy

Uncover the hidden treasures within your shadow through Sacred Energy Arts Qigong. Join Matthew Cohen as he guides you to befriend your inner dragon and access your full potential. Discover radiant health, resilience, and profound balance. Explore the transformative power of Qigong today!

Join the Future of Healing! Feel the Power of Sound Healing Summit July 10-14

heal with sound-healing use of sonic vibrations for self-healing reduce stress boost mental acuity & creativity decrease anxiety

Discover the transformative potential of sound healing and its profound impact on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Join the Sound Healing Summit, a dynamic online event featuring leading experts, musicians, and practitioners who will guide you through powerful sonic practices and techniques. Immerse yourself in vibrational therapy sessions, explore ancient traditions, and learn how to reduce stress, boost creativity, and activate self-healing through the power of sound.

Unlock the Secrets of Telepathic Communication w/ Your Animals (in 60 min) Event

Telepathic Communication With Your Animals: Learn Techniques

Discover the remarkable world of telepathic animal communication and forge a deeper connection with your beloved companions. Join Joan Ranquet, a renowned animal communicator, as she shares practical techniques to enhance your understanding and strengthen the trust between you and your furry friends. Harmonize the energy in your home and create a safe, nurturing space for your animal companions to thrive.

Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Stress & Embrace Healthier Life w/ Neurosculpting®

Experience Neurosculpting to Break the Bonds of Normalized Stress Reclaim Your Life With Active Meditation That Rewires Your Nervous System

This unique 5-step meditation program combines meditation, visualization, and cognitive restructuring to help individuals regulate their nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mental and emotional wellbeing.

This is a powerful opportunity to learn about a health-enhancing set of tools that can equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to transform your life.

Wake up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen

Discover Your Field of Super-Abundance Wake Up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen

You have a choice between feeding the fear frequency or stepping into a higher frequency of super-abundance — where synchronicity, flow, delight, and magic are a part of your daily life.

It’s where things just feel easier and more aligned, and you trust that the Universe is conspiring on your behalf, no matter what life brings to your door.

Discover Hidden Key to Your Spiritual Awakening for Clearer Intuition

Spiritual Awakening for Accurate Higher Guidance & Clear Intuition Open the Lesser-Known Alta Major Chakra to Enhance Your Health & Improve Your Life

If you’re ready to explore a new gateway for accessing your higher consciousness…

One that also holds the potential to activate your intuitive abilities and foster a profound sense of presence and purpose throughout your physical anatomy for better health and an increased sense of wellbeing, join us.

Experience a “Shaking Meditation” to Release Stress, Tension & Trauma

explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing

Explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing.

Through TRE, you develop the ability to regulate intense feelings, putting you back in control…

… and helping you live with a sense of ease, joy, love, and connection.

Discover How to Connect Your Spirit Guides & Work w/ Your Spirit Team

learn how to access guidance from and establish a relationship with your spirit team, which is waiting to assist you on a powerful journey to reveal your innate spiritual nature and psychic abilities

This natural support system is able to assist you at any time, so you never have to feel alone or separated from the loving energy of Source.

You’ll learn how to look for the signs and synchronicities coming to you from your guides, understanding that wisdom and guidance can reveal itself in many ways…

… and that entering into a trusting relationship with your spirit guides provides you with the opportunity to accelerate your spiritual progress.

Watch News of Biofield Science, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, EFT & More

biofield science, energy medicine & whole-system healing

Now you can join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including leading-edge scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit.