Free Guide & BBC Event: 5X Your Coaching Business w/ John Assaraf (Limited Time)

Get 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business Manual pdf book download free! Business Breakthrough Challenge - June 2024

Struggling to attract clients? John Assaraf, a world-renowned business expert, is giving away his proven strategies for multiplying your coaching or consulting business by 5! Download his FREE guide, “How to 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business” and learn powerful neuro-marketing methods and Law of Attraction techniques to explode your sales.

Release Trauma of Your Birth Story with Feminine Breathwork Practices

explore where breath and your birth story meet — and influence your health, relationships, sense of self, ability to attract abundance, and more

As you gain new tools for transforming the difficult emotions and imprints of your birth story into sources of strength and clarity… Ashanna and Dana hope you’ll come to view the entire context of your life as a holy curriculum.

From there, an empowered sense of vulnerability is free to emerge and guide you to who you were always meant to be.