Free Webinar: Talk to Plants & Heal Yourself w/ Plant Spirit Medicine

Explore the Healing Power of Plant Spirit Medicine

Clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess Seraphina Capranos has created a new system of absorbing the transformative messages from plants through a process she calls a plant communion practice…

… simply smelling and tasting a plant and intuitively absorbing its wisdom while in a trance-like meditative state.

Join Seraphina for an illuminating and experiential hour-long event…

Free Plant Spirit Healing Event: Heal & Connect with Nature (Emma Fitchett)

Discover the Power of Plant Spirit Healing! Free Event with Emma Fitchett! Learn to connect with plants, receive healing energy, & awaken your intuition. Register Now!

You’ll see that working with plants can not only be intuitive and everyone possesses this innate gift, but there exists a more conscious and effective method for collaborating with them. The plants that surround you in your house and your garden are sentient beings, eager to assist you in your life.

Discover the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

… you’ll explore sound in a new way to become your voice — focusing on the shamanic, contemplative, embodied, and artistic aspects of your voice.

Self-healing w/ Native American Wisdom, Prayers & Clearing Techniques

Explore healing through the 7 Directions in Native American medicine

When you join master spiritual alchemist Brandy Tuttle for Awaken Your Healing Powers With the Gifts of Your Hočhóka, you’ll connect to your inner Hočhóka (a Lakota term for “the place where ceremony happens”)…

… awakening your healer within and integrating your mind, body, and spirit for personal healing, growth, and worldly contribution.

Shamanic Rituals for Connecting to Healing Animal Spirits

Shamanic rituals for connecting to healing animal spirits

When you join the hour-long event: Connect With the Sacred Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals, with Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, you’ll immerse yourself in a guided meditation to embody the energy of Q’enti, the sacred hummingbird, a master of this new era we’re living in…

… so you can find beauty everywhere, face your greatest fears, and evolve your consciousness.

Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

ceremonial shamanic journeying with Sandra Ingerman

Renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman will share the life-changing experience of developing a tangible connection with helping spirits in the worlds beyond ours, including how she can feel her guardian holding her hand as they sit on the warm earth and drink tea together.

Discover Ancient Egyptian Secrets that Reveal Your Cosmic Truth

Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities: Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World

Join founder of Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Ritual Community Isis Indriya, on Tuesday, November 28, for a free online event: Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World

You’ll learn how each Egyptian deity is the embodiment of sacred principles for designing a life that bridges human, natural, and divine realms. Isis will focus on three divinities that are known for complementary qualities and revered within mystical literature — Ma’at, Sekhmet, and Isis.

By engaging with these specific divinities, you can enter portals into a more profound understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

A Way to Connect w/ Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals - Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

In Explore Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals: How to Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona…

… you’ll discover how to call in your spider, monkey & hawk spirit allies as an initiation to healing and evolved consciousness. Embark on a guided journey to enter the portal of the Sun God — who will help you connect with your inner warrior and infinite potential as you embody the energy of the hawk.

Microdosing Sacred Mushrooms – Indigenous Approach

Sacred Mushroom Pathway Receive Ancestral Blessings for a Flourishing Future With an Indigenous Microdosing Approach

In Explore the Sacred Mushroom Pathway: Receive Ancestral Blessings for a Flourishing Future With an Indigenous Microdosing Approach with Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe…

… you’ll embark on a journey of healing through the mystical practice of microdosing psilocybin, time-honored Indigenous healing traditions, and a profound connection with your ancestors.

Discover the Healing Potential of Morphic Field Resonance (Event & Training)

Discover healing potential of morphic field resonance

In Discover the Healing Potential of Morphic Field Resonance: Tools for Ceremonial Grounding, Managing Your Energy & Cultivating a Relaxed State of Presence with Amelia Vogler…

… you’ll activate an expanded field of energy, ignite your intuition, and rekindle your connection to your own inner radiance by accessing the invisible energy templates that are influencing your life — and the evolution of life on Earth.