Experience the integration of love, prayer & psychedelic plant medicines

Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening

In The Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening with Dr. Ali Maya…

… you’ll discover the art of integrating your plant medicine experiences in a safe and transformative way — using a unique approach to shamanic healing rooted in the transformative power of love and prayer — and activate your full potential and connection with the Divine within.

Metabolize Your life w/ Ayurvedic Techniques – Healthy Eating Habits & True Self

Metabolize Your Life With Ayurvedic Techniques or How to Physically & Mentally Digest Food (and Life) Better Through Your 5 Senses with Marc Halpern

You’ll learn why, regardless of what ails you, all roads lead back to your digestive system, which has a hand in regulating every other system in your body…

… and how aligning mentally, emotionally, and physically with your dosha through nutrition and your daily habits helps you gain access to the full potential of your senses — including “the sixth sense,” the portal to higher consciousness.

Watch News of Biofield Science, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, EFT & More

biofield science, energy medicine & whole-system healing

Now you can join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including leading-edge scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit.

Initiation into Entheogenesis: Spiritual Healing through Mind-altering Substances

Entheogenesis Initiation Explore a Path of True Spiritual Healing With Divine Sacraments & Psychedelic Medicines

You’ll discover why these practices have been essential to human culture for millennia — connecting us with ourselves, those around us, the natural world, and the great mystery behind all that we access through our five senses.

Explore the history behind psychedelic master teacher plants and their ceremonial practices — and discover why working with them may be essential to deepening your greater wisdom, direct spiritual revelation, and experiential understanding of your higher purpose.

Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement

Healthy Movement Techniques Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain

You’ll experience Lael’s dynamic approach to somatic movement firsthand, including a breathwork practice to experience breathing as an act of allowing, and practices to relieve the stress that is held within your head, neck, and shoulders — all of which brings awareness to counterproductive patterns of movement.

She’ll also share how movement is connected to self-image and how we relate to each other…

… and how conscious movement can foster a more meaningful, productive, and easeful way of being in the world.

Herbs & Practices to Supercharge Your Body’s 9 Power Centers

Supercharge your body’s 9 power centers with herbs and contemplative practices

In The Herbalist’s Path of Illuminated Wellbeing: Discover How Herbs & Contemplative Practices Can Optimize Your 9 Power Centers with David Crow…

… you’ll discover how to connect the 9 power centers of your body to universal intelligence and supercharge their health and function — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — with a combination of potent meditation practices and herbal remedies.

See How Breathwork Can Enhance Wholeness, Integration, & Presence

Practice of Breathwork for Awakened Consciousness, Enhanced Wholeness & the Harmonious Integration of Self

Dr. Siegel will introduce the plane of possibility and share how the breath is integral to tapping your human potential in alignment with your highest self through presence and integration.

Jessica will then guide you through a breathwork practice in which you’ll discover the plane of embodied presence in action — from practical self-care to awakened consciousness and self-actualization.

You’ll recognize that you can optimize every moment of your life by accessing the vitality and intelligence within by embodying your breath — which is connected to everything around you.

Sound Therapy Exercise & Healing Musical Instruments to Stop Pain Stress Depression

Experience Sound Therapy Exercise Musical instruments for body healing stop pain stress depression

When your body is free of pain and able to move fluidly, without stiffness, your mind will nestle into a deeper level of peace and serenity.

Western medicine has embraced “music as medicine” as a clinical specialty after establishing that the body’s healing mechanisms are optimally supported by certain frequencies.

During this inspiring hour, you’ll be guided to stimulate your vagus nerve while sonically bathed in “The Dream of the Blue Whale,” a beautiful and etheric song containing frequencies as low as 12 Hz — ideal for supporting healing and reducing chronic inflammation as your body melts into deep relaxation

See how Ayurveda Can Help You address weak Digestion, Poor Sleep & Chronic Pain

Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity can not only boost your immunity and capacity for joy, but provide an approach to your health, and life, that can help you stay calm and rooted in who you truly are…

Ayurvedic philosophy shows us how to tap into our most subtle and powerful self, as well as our life’s purpose, or dharma.

It helps us shift physical and emotional patterns to find balance, better our health, and connect with the healing power of our own spirituality.

John teaches that Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity can not only boost your immunity and capacity for joy, but provide an approach to your health, and life, that can help you stay calm and rooted in who you truly are…