Unlock Your Intuition by Attuning to The Higher Vibrations of Life for Empaths & HSPs

Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition, Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil

Join us on Saturday, February 24, for Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition: Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil, a free online event with Rob Schwartz, a between-life soul regression hypnotist, and his wife, co-teacher, and channeler Liesel Fricke.

With Rob and Liesel, you’ll raise your vibration through unity consciousness and the loving wisdom of the Beings of Light to accelerate your ascension, access more expansive frequencies, and catalyze the healing potential of your empathic and intuitive gifts.

Angelic Sound Medicine to Connect With Voice & Your Higher Self

Angelic Sound Medicine to Harmonize Your Chakras & Your Life & Elevate the Magnetism of Your Voice With the Power of 12 Angels of Atlantis

During the brand-new online event, Receive Love-Light Energies From the 12 Angels of Atlantis Through Sonic Meditations with Stewart Pearce, angelic emissary and world-renowned voice and presence coach…

… you’ll access the profound courage, empathy, and unity consciousness that lies within your truest self.

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Afterlife: Beyond the Veil Summit’s Wonders

mysteries of near-death experiences, mediumship & the afterlife

During the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from over 30 seasoned mediumship practitioners, channelers, “returnees” from near-death experiences, researchers, scientists…

… medical professionals, and experts who can communicate with those who have crossed over (and can teach you how to do the same).

May these teachings and counsel resonate within you, bringing solace to your heart, fostering healing for your wounds, illuminating your understanding, wrapping you in a soothing embrace…

… and ultimately guiding you towards a profound state of tranquility as you delve into the topics of transition, the encounter with mortality, the realms beyond life, and the celestial domain — all infused with a heightened sense of wonder.

Explore the Science & Mysteries of Psychic Messages & Intuitive Insights

Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit 2023

During the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from over 35 other seasoned heart-centered scientists, physicians, authors, educators, and leading practitioners in metaphysics…

… who can teach you how to perceive and interpret subtle energies.

Their teachings and guidance can bring you clarity, guidance, and inspiration on your spiritual journey as you discover essential ways to receive, navigate, and apply vibrational insights you’ll tap into from subtle messages, intuitive hits, and other inner knowings.

Using Channeling to Find Answers to Your Deep Questions through Your Intuition

Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses with Helané Wahbeh

Backed by scientific research, this workshop will help you feel less alone and confused about your intuitive experiences.

You’ll come to discover that when you’re in a quiet, still space, you can tune in to the contraction and expansion within, and find answers to deep questions through your intuition.