Unveil Your Divine Feminine Power – Embark on a 9-month of Sacred Initiations

Unveil Your Divine Feminine Power: Join the Path of the Magdalene for Healing, Rebirth, and Sacred Initiations

In a brand-new 90-minute event, Healing With the Magdalene: A Ritual Release of Heaviness, Trauma & Energetic Blockages Through the Power of the Sacred Feminine…

… you’ll also learn about a brand new Path of the Magdalenes program in 2024 that’s designed to empower you in a uniquely feminine path of initiation, healing, and liberation.

This path is sourced in hidden traditions, consecrated to divine embodiment, and grounded in the reclamation of sacred healing arts.

A Way to Connect w/ Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals - Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

In Explore Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals: How to Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona…

… you’ll discover how to call in your spider, monkey & hawk spirit allies as an initiation to healing and evolved consciousness. Embark on a guided journey to enter the portal of the Sun God — who will help you connect with your inner warrior and infinite potential as you embody the energy of the hawk.

Integrate Indigenous wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing

Indigenous Wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing Combining Ancient Healing Practices With Modern Medicine for Inner & Outer Wellness

Through his work with Amazonian plant medicine as an integrative physician, academic and traditional healer, Dr. Tafur brings a fresh perspective to healing that integrates both the scientific and the spiritual worldviews.

Together, we can unlock the transformative power of Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine and the ancient Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor to help you achieve true healing and find balance in your life.

Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-realization & Healing

Discover the healing energies in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants

Whether you’ve already experienced the impact of conscious-altering plant medicine… you wish to become better acquainted with this mystical realm… you want to take your current spiritual practice even deeper, or you yearn to connect with the plant spirits on an everyday basis for wellbeing and health…

… Puma will walk you through loving ways to approach and invite these ancient medicinal plants into your life, as you deepen your lifelong journey into your inner self.

Are Psychedelics the New Path in Mental Wellness & Holistic Healing?

Psychedelic Healing Summit 2023

The Psychedelic Healing Summit is more than just a rundown of the latest clinical research — it’s a 5-day voyage into the wisdom, intelligence, and integration of psychedelics and plant medicine you can apply to your whole-body wellness practice.

You’ll experience full days dedicated to the science behind psychedelic healing… the fundamentals for responsibly using sacred plants and psychedelics across traditions…

… a range of deep transformational practices across lineages and ancestral heritages… and an exploration of the role of sacred plants and psychedelics in opening up new pathways for healing, creativity, and connection.