Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop w/ Penelope Smith

Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop with Penelope Smith

Register to join a special Shift Network event on Tuesday, June 25, for a special event as Penelope shares how you can rediscover and further develop your natural telepathic communication skills with animals and other beings.

Penelope will also guide you through a meditation featuring shamanic drumming to the pattern of a heartbeat — to help you connect more deeply and widely with all the animals of Earth as you ground yourself and feel their consciousness.

Get Spiritual Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

In Discover Bi-Location to Experience the Multidimensional Nature of Your Soul with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD…

… you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating power of bi-location to commune with your dead loved ones and pets and meet anyone else of your choosing in the nonphysical realms.

How the Enneagram Can Help Cultivate Compassionate Communication

See how the Gifts of the 9 Enneagram types inspire authentic connections

In The Enneagram & Conscious Communication: How the Gifts of the 9 Types Inspire Authentic Connections with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb…

… you’ll discover the communication gifts and challenges of the 9 Enneagram types, as well as the body, heart, and head Centers, and embark on a path of fully authentic communication — so you can free your energy… respond to others with love, awareness, and wholeness… and cultivate better relationships.

Try Sonic Meditation | Open Unique Signature Sound of Your Voice Alchemy

Sonic Meditation to Discover Your Sacred Magnetic Voice or How to Access the Signature Note of Your Soul as a Force for Harmony, Love & Prosperity

In Discover Your Sacred Magnetic Voice: How to Access the Signature Note of Your Soul as a Force for Harmony, Love & Prosperity with Stewart Pearce…

… you’ll find your soul’s signature note to harmonize your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, bringing a new magnetic energy into your relationships, work, and spiritual journey — all through the authentic and alchemical song of your soul.

Master Intimate Communication: Learn the Art of Truly Listening

Psychological Astrology of Connection or How to Listen (and Love) More Effectively Using the 4 Astrological Elements of Fire, Earth, Air & Water

Enhance your relationships with the art of intimate communication. Join Dr. Jennifer Freed’s online event to identify and shift old patterns, improve listening skills, and foster deeper connections. Learn from astrology’s wisdom and transform your interactions. Don’t miss this eye-opening opportunity!

Unlock the Secrets of Telepathic Communication w/ Your Animals (in 60 min) Event

Telepathic Communication With Your Animals: Learn Techniques

Discover the remarkable world of telepathic animal communication and forge a deeper connection with your beloved companions. Join Joan Ranquet, a renowned animal communicator, as she shares practical techniques to enhance your understanding and strengthen the trust between you and your furry friends. Harmonize the energy in your home and create a safe, nurturing space for your animal companions to thrive.

Here’s how to Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness

Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness Raise Your Energy Baseline, Influence Your DNA & Improve the Quality of Your Health & Relationships

By raising your personal vibration baseline, positive changes can begin manifesting in your life, enabling you to experience greater joy and a deeper sense of fulfillment, belonging, connection, and purpose.

Join this free event to discover the science behind the concept of heart coherence and techniques such as Shift and Lift™ that help you cultivate greater kindness and compassion and enhance your relationships with others.