Discover Effective Somatic Practices for Vitality, Fluidity & Healing

effective somatic movement practices for vitality, fluidity & healing

Join more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers will guide you through simple somatic practices to move you beyond stuck energy into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.

Also, there will be additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice.

These professional track sessions will immerse you in the most prevalent philosophies springing forth in the field, while offering guided somatic movement techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery

This life-enhancing Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the healing powers of embodied motion. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

Qigong’s Subtle Movements Restore Vitality & Increase Mental Agility (Summit)

Qigong Global Summit 2023

Learn from 35 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Daisy Lee, Deng Ming-Dao, Master Chunyi Lin, Lee Holden, Lindsey Wei, Grandmaster Mantak Chia, Master Mingtong Gu, Teja Bell Rōshi, Faye Li Yip, Mark Tanaka, and many others.

Under guidance from these masters, you’ll be able to use Qigong for a wide array of healing and practical applications — including stress reduction, physical and mental fluidity, and grounding your body and inner being to navigate daily life with ease.