Essential Oils for Your Healing & David Crow’s Ayurvedic Secrets – Workshop

Aromatherapy with David Crow- The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing

For more than 30 years, David has been helping people harness the power of plants to infuse body, mind and soul with organic wisdom and become more aware of our sustainable connection with nature.

In this FREE online workshop, he’ll share what’s important for each Ayurvedic energetic type, or dosha. Plus, you’ll find out about maximizing some of David’s favorite essential oils, which include rose, vetiver, sandalwood, agarwood and jatamansi!

If you’re curious about how to use essential oils to balance your system, you won’t want to miss this virtual event with Floracopeia founder David Crow: The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing: Ancient Remedies to Safely Balance Your Energy System.

Explore Your Soul’s Path on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey

Medical Intuition & Your Souls Path Reveal Your Pre-Life Soul Contracts on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey with Dr. Jennifer

Dr. Vest will guide you to explore soul contracts, karma, and life lessons — and their deeply rooted relationship to illness. Through this process, you can uncover a deeper understanding of why life’s greatest challenges are happening in service of your larger purpose.

You’ll then be able to cultivate more compassion for yourself, gain greater clarity about your soul’s larger story, and glean insights into how you (and those you’re helping) can move forward in resolving illness and dis-ease.

Powerful Ritual of Making Moon Water for Protection & Healing | Home Pharmacy Lessons

Powerful ritual of lunar herbalism - making moon water for protection and healing

As you’ll discover, ritualizing your life with these ancient practices can move you into a greater state of health and wellbeing, so you can live a more energetically grounded life, with the power to heal yourself with your own home pharmacy.

Join us at this free event to explore the ancient wisdom of medical astrology — the correlation between the archetypal energies of herbs, their planetary influences, and how they correspond to the various systems of our body — and how that knowledge can help you heal health challenges by creating medicine from the plants in your own garden.

Experience Wisdom of Ancient Egypt for Inspiration, Empowerment & Healing

Unlock Your Mythical Power With the Wisdom of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshet

Join Jocelyn for this deeply spiritual event to begin your incredible journey with the wisdom of ancient Egypt — unveiling the profound harmony of your individual existence with the grand design of the Cosmos…

… so you can ignite your purpose, experience a sense of peace and oneness with All That Is, and create a new mythology for your life.

Integrate Indigenous wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing

Indigenous Wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing Combining Ancient Healing Practices With Modern Medicine for Inner & Outer Wellness

Through his work with Amazonian plant medicine as an integrative physician, academic and traditional healer, Dr. Tafur brings a fresh perspective to healing that integrates both the scientific and the spiritual worldviews.

Together, we can unlock the transformative power of Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine and the ancient Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor to help you achieve true healing and find balance in your life.

The Power of Somatic Writing to Heal Wounding in Your Lineage

discover that when you excavate your story through this process, you call back your power, untether your writing and speaking voice, and deeply embody your own personal magic by becoming your most fully expressed, authentic, liberated self

Tanya shares that anyone who desires access to an uncolonized self, to more power and connection, and to profound psychic and intuitive knowings will benefit from this practice.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to heal your lineage, unlock your ability to fully express your unique sacred story, and become a Great Ancestor for future generations.

Experience the “Octave of Consciousness” to Cultivate Healing

Give Voice to Your Truth Experience Octave of Consciousness to Access Your Inner Authority & Cultivate Healing

As you release your attachment to what Chloë calls your “socially conditioned personality voice,” you’ll discover your sovereign voice and recognize yourself as an energy field that is vibrating with the frequencies of love — the impact of which is truly life-changing.

As you learn to access your soul’s wisdom through your sovereign voice, you’ll relish how embodied experiences of love and unconditional presence lead you to healthier and happier realms of coherence and harmony, nourishing you with self-acceptance and inner wisdom…

… and helping you transform fear into love, and separateness into deep connection.

Pandiculation – Somatic Movement to Release Trauma, Stress, Chronic Pain

The Pandiculation Technique: Somatic Movement to Release Trauma Response & Chronic Pain: Regulate Your Nervous System to Experience More Freedom & Access Your Full Potential

Martha’s teaching methodology is grounded in the science of the nervous system, yet is also playful, safe, and accessible.

Her approach to somatic education has transformed the lives of people around the world, enabling them to restore freedom of movement and postural imbalances to reverse chronic muscle and joint pain — and it can transform your life too!

Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-realization & Healing

Discover the healing energies in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants

Whether you’ve already experienced the impact of conscious-altering plant medicine… you wish to become better acquainted with this mystical realm… you want to take your current spiritual practice even deeper, or you yearn to connect with the plant spirits on an everyday basis for wellbeing and health…

… Puma will walk you through loving ways to approach and invite these ancient medicinal plants into your life, as you deepen your lifelong journey into your inner self.

Use of Ancient Vedic Face Reading to Uncover True Self & Your Destiny

Benefits of Your Mind-Body Connectio for Self-Discovery, Healing & Enlightenment Uncover Your Destiny & True Self Using Ancient Vedic Face Reading

In Uncover Your Destiny & True Self Using Ancient Vedic Face Reading: Discover the Profound Benefits of Your Mind-Body Connection for Self-Discovery, Healing & Enlightenment with Deborah King…

… you’ll uncover unexplored parts of your character and karma with the ancient practice of Vedic face reading — a sophisticated aspect of astrology that analyses your individual facial proportions and characteristics to reveal your destiny.