Find Joy & Renewal w/ Qigong for Women Mini-Workshop w/ Daisy Lee

Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection

In Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection, you’ll explore the energy of flow to help you release anxiety, ease conflict, and manage day-to-day stresses with greater calm.

Free Qigong Event: Unleash Healing Love Energy (Grandmaster Mantak Chia)

Join renowned Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia for a FREE online event: Explore Healing Love Qigong (Thursday, May 30th, 5:30 PM Pacific)

Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia will share an overview of the process for cultivating compassion Qi during his free online event, Explore Healing Love Qigong: The Taoist Path to Alchemize Arousal Energy for a Healthy Brain, Vitality & Joy, this Thursday, May 30, at 5:30pm Pacific. Register here to join us.

Free Qigong Event: Master Ancient Shaolin Practice for Inner Strength & Rejuvenation

Discover the 4 Cycles of Shaolin Qigong: Practice an Ancient Movement Meditation That Protects Your Strength, Resilience & Immunity

Learn how Four Cycles Qigong is done with simple breathing and mudras as a moving meditation. This engages the entire body, enhancing circulation and flexibility, and promoting the smooth flow of Qi through the meridians.

Legend has it that the great spiritual master Bodhidharma introduced the Four Cycles to Shaolin monks, rejuvenating their bodies and minds. Now Robert brings you this ancient practice that’s designed to strengthen your Guardian Qi and connect you with the essence of your being.

Attain the Strength, Grace & Agility of Animals with 5-Animal Qigong

Attain the strength, grace & agility of animals with 5-Animal Qigong

Register to join Daisy on Tuesday, March 12 for a special event with the Shift Network as she shares how the wisdom and wellbeing of animals first inspired China’s renowned master physician Hua Tuo to create the joyful practice of 5-Animal Qigong 1,800 years ago.

Qigong w/ Lee Holden to Clear Stress & Boost Immunity – Free Event & Training

Qigong teacher Lee holden will show how to Clear stress & build a supercharged immune system with Qigong

In a world where stress and uncertainty can take a toll on our well-being, imagine tapping into your own innate energetic power to clear stress, boost immunity, and increase resilience. Renowned Qigong teacher Lee Holden invites you to embark on a special online event, where you’ll discover the art of effortless power and the potential for positive transformation in your health and life.

Release Blocked Qi & Reclaim Your Health w/ Ba Duan Jin Qigong | Winter Exercise at Home

Release blocked Qi & reclaim your health with Ba Duan Jin Qigong

Meet Qigong Master Faye Li Yip’s & Experience a Cascade of Healing With Ba Duan Jin Qigong: Deepen Your Qi Sensations for Balance & Rejuvenation.

Harness your inner sensations and feel the Qi surging through your body through the mindful movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong…

… a powerful practice for harmonizing mental and emotional energy, balancing your body systems, and generating rejuvenating energy where it’s needed most.

Unlock Inner Peace & Vitality: Discover Power of Qi Gong for Stress Relief

Lee Holden Qigong Routine Free Classes and TRaining for Inner Peace and Vitality Discover the Power of Qi Gong for Stress Relief

In this video, titled “The Key to Health, Happiness, and Vibrant Energy,” Lee Holden will guide you through a beginner-friendly qi gong routine designed to ease physical tension and enhance mental well-being. Our intention is not only to equip you with valuable stress management tools but also to inspire you to take charge of your overall mental and physical health.

Expand Body’s Energy Healing Powers w/ Quantum-Touch

direct your life-force energy to heal yourself & others & Experience a guided deep breathing practice to shift into deep connection

In Expand Your Body’s Energy Healing Powers With Quantum-Touch: Explore New Ways to Direct Your Life-Force Energy to Heal Yourself & Others In-Person or From a Distance with Tyler Odysseus and Richard Gordon…

… you’ll dive deeper into Richard Gordon’s trailblazing Quantum-Touch healing modality as you explore your in-person and remote energy healing abilities — shifting into an energetic state of deep connection, presence, and joy during a guided deep breathing practice.

Qigong Sound Healing to Transform Stress and Disease

learn the fundamentals for effectively working with sound and energy through Qigong to strengthen your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wellbeing

Master Mingtong Gu, one of the foremost teachers of Qigong in the West, will share how you can build a strong and healthy foundation, take better energetic care of your body, and establish a baseline for a long and healthy life.

Use of Plants to Heal Physically, Emotionally, Mentally & Spiritually | August 21-25 Event

Illuminated Herbalism Summit 2023

Deepen your relationship with plants to support your nervous system. If you long to heal and rejuvenate your physical body so you have the energy to fulfill your higher purpose, or desire to decode the wisdom of nature to live a more vibrant life… …our upcoming summit will support you with a full spectrum of botanical AND spiritual knowledge, methods, and practices. The Illuminated Herbalism Summit is arriving at a time of global awakening to the importance of holistic approaches to disease, emotional distress, and planetary healing. These esteemed Ayurvedic and integrative medical doctors and pharmacists, herbalists, researchers, educators, and healers are shaping the future of herbal medicine…  … supporting you to feel empowered on your healing path, as you decode the wisdom of nature and plant medicine modalities. Join us at this Free Online Event >> Illuminated Herbalism Summit << August 21-25 Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators — including Arjun Das, Karen Wang Diggs, Dr. John Douillard, Robin …