Start the New Year off w/ a Ceremonial Blessing from Mirabai Starr.

Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Radiant Human Essence

In Navigate Your Spiritual Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Radiant Human Essence with Mirabai Starr…

… you’ll be guided to dismiss the commonly accepted notion that enlightenment requires a lifetime of effort, and affirm that a direct experience of mystical connection is possible.

Explore how life is about fully embracing the human experience exactly as it is, but with a new and deeper understanding.

Unveil Your Divine Feminine Power – Embark on a 9-month of Sacred Initiations

Unveil Your Divine Feminine Power: Join the Path of the Magdalene for Healing, Rebirth, and Sacred Initiations

In a brand-new 90-minute event, Healing With the Magdalene: A Ritual Release of Heaviness, Trauma & Energetic Blockages Through the Power of the Sacred Feminine…

… you’ll also learn about a brand new Path of the Magdalenes program in 2024 that’s designed to empower you in a uniquely feminine path of initiation, healing, and liberation.

This path is sourced in hidden traditions, consecrated to divine embodiment, and grounded in the reclamation of sacred healing arts.

Discover Ancient Egyptian Secrets that Reveal Your Cosmic Truth

Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities: Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World

Join founder of Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Ritual Community Isis Indriya, on Tuesday, November 28, for a free online event: Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World

You’ll learn how each Egyptian deity is the embodiment of sacred principles for designing a life that bridges human, natural, and divine realms. Isis will focus on three divinities that are known for complementary qualities and revered within mystical literature — Ma’at, Sekhmet, and Isis.

By engaging with these specific divinities, you can enter portals into a more profound understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

Hope for Humanity’s Future: Unifying Science, Spirituality & Noosphere

Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future — Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere. Find Deeper Meaning in Our Spiritual Traditions With Illuminating Insights in Science & Technology

Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future: Unifying Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere for a Harmonious World. Join us on July 22 for an online event exploring the convergence of science and mysticism. Experience your place in the cosmic energy, deepen your understanding, and awaken your divine creativity. RSVP now!

Unlocking Your Mystical Wisdom: Unveiling Secrets to Experience Ecstatic Wonder & Awe

Unlocking Your Mystical Wisdom Unveiling Secrets to Experience Ecstatic Wonder & Awe

Discover the transformative power of mystical wisdom as you delve into the depths of your own capacity to experience sublime wonder and awe. Uncover the secrets to unlocking your personal ecstasy and reconnecting with timeless truths. Learn from ancient and modern mystics who have paved the way and embrace a fully committed spiritual path. Explore poetry, ritual movement, stories, music, and meditations to enrich your inner life and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Join us for an immersive experience of unlocking your own mystical potential and living into the mystery.