Discover Effective Somatic Practices for Vitality, Fluidity & Healing

effective somatic movement practices for vitality, fluidity & healing

Join more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers will guide you through simple somatic practices to move you beyond stuck energy into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.

Also, there will be additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice.

These professional track sessions will immerse you in the most prevalent philosophies springing forth in the field, while offering guided somatic movement techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery

This life-enhancing Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the healing powers of embodied motion. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

Pandiculation – Somatic Movement to Release Trauma, Stress, Chronic Pain

The Pandiculation Technique: Somatic Movement to Release Trauma Response & Chronic Pain: Regulate Your Nervous System to Experience More Freedom & Access Your Full Potential

Martha’s teaching methodology is grounded in the science of the nervous system, yet is also playful, safe, and accessible.

Her approach to somatic education has transformed the lives of people around the world, enabling them to restore freedom of movement and postural imbalances to reverse chronic muscle and joint pain — and it can transform your life too!

Experience a guided dance practice to free your blocks & experience joy

Discover Sacred Dance for Personal & Collective Freedom Transform Trauma, Open to the Divine & Embody Love as the Ultimate Revolutionary Act

Banafsheh will share how dance can reconnect us and teach us how to hold the joys and sorrows of life in a strong, compassionate, and wide-open heart, empowering the love and goodness that connects us all as we ground ourselves in the joy of being alive.

During the event, you’ll experience this ecstatic connection for yourself during a guided dance practice that harnesses the power of presence and your body’s ability to track and free blocks… and unleash the joy that is buried beneath the stress, tension, and trauma of modern living.

Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Tone Vagus Nerve

Experience Your Vagus Nerve’s Holistic Healing Power: Potent Energy Medicine to Balance Your Nervous System, Ease Stress & Improve Sleep

If you’re suffering from trauma, PTSD, heart rate variability, or other stress-related symptoms, it’s likely that your vagus nerve has been compromised — resulting in imbalances in your system.

This is your opportunity to receive easy yet potent energy medicine exercises that tap into your vagus nerve to relax and restore your mind, body, and spirit.

Experience a “Shaking Meditation” to Release Stress, Tension & Trauma

explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing

Explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing.

Through TRE, you develop the ability to regulate intense feelings, putting you back in control…

… and helping you live with a sense of ease, joy, love, and connection.

Qigong Movements for Women Specifically Designed to Release Stress (trapped Qi)

Experience Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Receive The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water Practice to Release Stress & Ground in Your Self-Healing Wisdom with Daisy Lee

Just as the lotus flower rises up from its roots in the mud through the movement of water, Daisy will share how Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong can help you open and blossom — while releasing stress, breaking old patterns, grounding you in your natural grace and presence… and allowing your authentic gifts to flourish.

Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement

Healthy Movement Techniques Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain

You’ll experience Lael’s dynamic approach to somatic movement firsthand, including a breathwork practice to experience breathing as an act of allowing, and practices to relieve the stress that is held within your head, neck, and shoulders — all of which brings awareness to counterproductive patterns of movement.

She’ll also share how movement is connected to self-image and how we relate to each other…

… and how conscious movement can foster a more meaningful, productive, and easeful way of being in the world.

Qigong’s Subtle Movements Restore Vitality & Increase Mental Agility (Summit)

Qigong Global Summit 2023

Learn from 35 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Daisy Lee, Deng Ming-Dao, Master Chunyi Lin, Lee Holden, Lindsey Wei, Grandmaster Mantak Chia, Master Mingtong Gu, Teja Bell Rōshi, Faye Li Yip, Mark Tanaka, and many others.

Under guidance from these masters, you’ll be able to use Qigong for a wide array of healing and practical applications — including stress reduction, physical and mental fluidity, and grounding your body and inner being to navigate daily life with ease.

See How Breathwork Can Enhance Wholeness, Integration, & Presence

Practice of Breathwork for Awakened Consciousness, Enhanced Wholeness & the Harmonious Integration of Self

Dr. Siegel will introduce the plane of possibility and share how the breath is integral to tapping your human potential in alignment with your highest self through presence and integration.

Jessica will then guide you through a breathwork practice in which you’ll discover the plane of embodied presence in action — from practical self-care to awakened consciousness and self-actualization.

You’ll recognize that you can optimize every moment of your life by accessing the vitality and intelligence within by embodying your breath — which is connected to everything around you.

Sound Therapy Exercise & Healing Musical Instruments to Stop Pain Stress Depression

Experience Sound Therapy Exercise Musical instruments for body healing stop pain stress depression

When your body is free of pain and able to move fluidly, without stiffness, your mind will nestle into a deeper level of peace and serenity.

Western medicine has embraced “music as medicine” as a clinical specialty after establishing that the body’s healing mechanisms are optimally supported by certain frequencies.

During this inspiring hour, you’ll be guided to stimulate your vagus nerve while sonically bathed in “The Dream of the Blue Whale,” a beautiful and etheric song containing frequencies as low as 12 Hz — ideal for supporting healing and reducing chronic inflammation as your body melts into deep relaxation