Free Plant Spirit Healing Event: Heal & Connect with Nature (Emma Fitchett)

Discover the Power of Plant Spirit Healing! Free Event with Emma Fitchett! Learn to connect with plants, receive healing energy, & awaken your intuition. Register Now!

You’ll see that working with plants can not only be intuitive and everyone possesses this innate gift, but there exists a more conscious and effective method for collaborating with them. The plants that surround you in your house and your garden are sentient beings, eager to assist you in your life.

See How You Can Decipher Symbols, Omens, Synchronicities & Dreams

Interpret signs from your soul to upgrade your innate psychic abilities

Learn how to enter an alpha brainwave state to tune in to the right side of your brain, which houses your intuition and recognizes signs, symbols, and omens. You can then, at will, allow the left side of your brain to take over, decode, and make meaning of those psychic clues.

If you’re at a crossroads and looking for a deeper connection to your internal guidance system, this hour with Lisa promises to ignite a spark of confidence in the wellspring of knowledge and insight awaiting to be accessed within you.

Unlock Your Intuition by Attuning to The Higher Vibrations of Life for Empaths & HSPs

Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition, Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil

Join us on Saturday, February 24, for Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition: Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil, a free online event with Rob Schwartz, a between-life soul regression hypnotist, and his wife, co-teacher, and channeler Liesel Fricke.

With Rob and Liesel, you’ll raise your vibration through unity consciousness and the loving wisdom of the Beings of Light to accelerate your ascension, access more expansive frequencies, and catalyze the healing potential of your empathic and intuitive gifts.

Learn How to Activate Your Intuition & Effectively Translate Messages You Receive.

Explore how love and appreciation can help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open to the greater potential of your multisensory and mediumship gifts by joining us on January 23 for clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri’s free online event… How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm

Explore how love and appreciation can help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open to the greater potential of your multisensory and mediumship gifts by joining us on January 23 for clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri’s free online event…

How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm.

Cultivate Your Inner Vision & Better Eyesight w/ Interoception

Join osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha for a free online event to cultivate your inner vision & better eyesight with interoception

Join us on Tuesday, December 12, for osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle’s free online event, Use Interoception to Improve Your Eyesight and “See” Into Your Health: Gain Insights About Your Physical Health & Wellbeing Using a New Somatic Formula for Self-Healing…

… where you’ll unlock the profound connection between health and what we see and feel within us using interoception and the powerful clinical practices of biodynamic osteopathy to improve your sight and optimize your overall health.

Use Quantum Intention Making Techniques to Manifest Your Desires

Learn Quantum Intention Making to manifest your desires

In Explore Quantum Science & Consciousness: How Scientific & Spiritual Principles Align for You to Create a Magnificent Life with quantum physicist and science of consciousness pioneer Dr. Amit Goswami…

… you’ll experience for yourself a revolutionary path of awakening your consciousness through the synergy of quantum science and spirituality and learn a step-by-step, repeatable manifestation process to craft your most empowered, authentic, and intentional life.

Learn the 4 steps for Awakening your Third Eye & Intuitive Skills

Learn the 4 steps for awakening your third eye and intuitive skills

In Discover Third Eye Training to Awaken Your Intuitive Powers: How to Read Energy & Navigate Life With Clarity with David Gandelman…

… you’ll learn to read and interpret your vibrational energy by activating your third eye — developing your intuitive abilities and paving your path to personal growth, clearer decision-making, and deeper self-healing.

Discover the Healing Potential of Morphic Field Resonance (Event & Training)

Discover healing potential of morphic field resonance

In Discover the Healing Potential of Morphic Field Resonance: Tools for Ceremonial Grounding, Managing Your Energy & Cultivating a Relaxed State of Presence with Amelia Vogler…

… you’ll activate an expanded field of energy, ignite your intuition, and rekindle your connection to your own inner radiance by accessing the invisible energy templates that are influencing your life — and the evolution of life on Earth.

Women Mantras for Spiritual Connection, Health, Ease & Focus

Mantras of the Divine Feminine for Healing & Liberation Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss

You’ll discover how two goddesses can help you access your own Divine Feminine energy, clear stuck energies that need to be released, and fill you up with co-creative bliss and a deep inner knowing that all is well… ensuring that you’re aligned with spiritual power to manifest beauty, peace, and truth in the world.