Uncover Your Soul’s Plan: Guided Meditation, Channeled Wisdom & Pre-Birth Regression

Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life

This is an opportunity for you to receive fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years — a period Rob refers to as a time of Ascension.

These are times of heightened anxiety and fear in which the perceived chaos actually contains the potential jolt that can serve as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to surrender to the true safety of the Oneness within.

Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online, Get New Book & More Gifts

Watch UNSINKABLE - Life-Changing MOVIE - You'll LOVE it

“I just watched your incredible movie: Unsinkable – Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother
 what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe”

Unlock Your Life’s Story with Synchronicity & Dream Signs (Free Event!)

Experience the Magic of Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities in Your Dreaming & Waking Life Learn to Enter the Imaginal Realm for Guidance, Inspiration & Healing

Through wonderful stories and games, you’ll learn how to find more luminous moments and navigate your life with greater purpose and delight.

As you do, you’re not only creating new narratives for yourself, you’re also cultivating your skills and magnetism as a storyteller — discovering how to claim your voice so others want to hear you.

You’ll learn how to bring grander stories to those who are lost and can’t locate them, as you become a dream grower, accessing bigger dreams for people who need them.

Find Joy & Renewal w/ Qigong for Women Mini-Workshop w/ Daisy Lee

Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection

In Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection, you’ll explore the energy of flow to help you release anxiety, ease conflict, and manage day-to-day stresses with greater calm.

Unlock Your Dreams: Explore Your “Dream Print” with a Sangoma African Shaman

Explore Your Shamanically Guided Dream Print Experience Your Souls Guidance Through an African Dreamwork Approach with African Shaman

According to John Lockley, a fully initiated sangoma (or shaman) in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa, becoming aware of HOW you dream (and the unique way your soul sends you messages) can help you realize profound possibilities you never imagined.

You’re invited to join us for a new 60-minute event during which John will share with you how engaging with your dreams in a more shamanic way can enhance various aspects of your life, potentially improving emotional, psychological, and physical health, and even resolving certain illnesses. This increased awareness can also clarify your life’s purpose and fulfillment.

Explore Informed Psychedelic Healing: Benefits, Safety & Choosing the Right Medicine

The Power of Informed Psychedelic Healing How to Choose the Ideal Medicine on Your Personal Journey to Wellness

Join us for this free 60 min online event to learn about microdosing and the addictive potential (or none) of the various psychedelics, so you can begin to discern which medicinal path might be the most comfortable, safe, and effective for your wellness journey. Because Dr. Hobbs’ knowledge is based on scientific research, clinical trials, and extensive personal experience, he holds a great deal of information and an extraordinary level of wisdom about how each of these psychedelics work on your brain

 including where to find them, the most effective settings in which to use them, and ways to find trained and experienced facilitators to walk you through the journeys of each.

Healing for Empaths, Intuitives & Sensitives (Free Event Replay + Training)

What are the root causes of your nagging symptoms? Find out!

According to intuitive healing facilitator and 2-time bestselling author Dave Markowitz, we all experience four primal original wounds. Dave calls these the four abandonments. Join Dave in an illuminating hour, in which he’ll walk you through these original wounds and share how you can begin to overcome them — so you can have better relationships.

Free Guide & BBC Event: 5X Your Coaching Business w/ John Assaraf (Limited Time)

Get 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business Manual pdf book download free! Business Breakthrough Challenge - June 2024

Struggling to attract clients? John Assaraf, a world-renowned business expert, is giving away his proven strategies for multiplying your coaching or consulting business by 5! Download his FREE guide, “How to 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business” and learn powerful neuro-marketing methods and Law of Attraction techniques to explode your sales.

Watch Unsinkable SUPER Conference 2024 – The Most Inspirational Event of the Year!

Watch "Unsinkable" Super Conference! The Most Inspirational Event of the Year!

This is truly a wonderful opportunity to learn from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Rhonda Britten. You’ll also experience a beautiful “Sound Healing” session from the wonderful Mark Romero that will help you immediately shift how you feel and put you in a positive, happy, peaceful state.

There will be a beautiful tribute to the legendary Bob Proctor too. In fact, they will be airing some impressive footage (and teachings) from Bob’s full interview from the Unsinkable movie.