Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online, Get New Book & More Gifts

Watch UNSINKABLE - Life-Changing MOVIE - You'll LOVE it

“I just watched your incredible movie: Unsinkable – Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother
 what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe”

Find Joy & Renewal w/ Qigong for Women Mini-Workshop w/ Daisy Lee

Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection

In Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection, you’ll explore the energy of flow to help you release anxiety, ease conflict, and manage day-to-day stresses with greater calm.

Connect w/ Archangels for Guidance & Healing (Free Event!) – Explore V Diagram

Access Messages From the Archangels: How to Gain Protection & Support From Divine Realms for Your Journey

Explore what Shakti Durga calls the “V Diagram” — a map of multi-dimensional consciousness that illustrates the levels of otherworldly realms

 taking you from the physical (where humans exist in corporeal form) to the etheric (your chakras, aura, energy centers, and meridians) to the astral plane (where we do our thinking, remembering, visualizing, and more)

 to the soul dimension (where we access our intuition and flow state) and finally to the infinite (a state of pure bliss, where unity consciousness exists beyond form).

Free Qigong Event: Master Ancient Shaolin Practice for Inner Strength & Rejuvenation

Discover the 4 Cycles of Shaolin Qigong: Practice an Ancient Movement Meditation That Protects Your Strength, Resilience & Immunity

Learn how Four Cycles Qigong is done with simple breathing and mudras as a moving meditation. This engages the entire body, enhancing circulation and flexibility, and promoting the smooth flow of Qi through the meridians.

Legend has it that the great spiritual master Bodhidharma introduced the Four Cycles to Shaolin monks, rejuvenating their bodies and minds. Now Robert brings you this ancient practice that’s designed to strengthen your Guardian Qi and connect you with the essence of your being.

Unleash Your Inner Powerhouse of Love: Nordic Secret to Divine Connection

Discover the Path of the Nordic Mystic: Enter Into a Direct Connection to the Divine by Accessing the Pure Love in Your Heart

This event will help you feel empowered — knowing that you don’t have to search and seek outside yourself because you’re already everything you need to be an incredible resource of love and wisdom — with compassion for yourself and others, and the understanding that we’re all the same.

Chakradance: Archetypal Healing Dance Practice – Jungian approach

learn how Chakradance, a powerful fusion of spontaneous dance, energizing chakra music, and immersive visualizations, can help you shift from pain to hope and possibility

Natalie says that Chakradance is a “joyful affirmation of who you truly are,” activating the primal part of you. It invites gentle healing by allowing buried emotions and traumas to slowly surface — layer by layer — through the loving wisdom and awareness of the body.

Qigong w/ Lee Holden to Clear Stress & Boost Immunity – Free Event & Training

Qigong teacher Lee holden will show how to Clear stress & build a supercharged immune system with Qigong

In a world where stress and uncertainty can take a toll on our well-being, imagine tapping into your own innate energetic power to clear stress, boost immunity, and increase resilience. Renowned Qigong teacher Lee Holden invites you to embark on a special online event, where you’ll discover the art of effortless power and the potential for positive transformation in your health and life.

Learn How to Activate Your Intuition & Effectively Translate Messages You Receive.

Explore how love and appreciation can help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open to the greater potential of your multisensory and mediumship gifts by joining us on January 23 for clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri’s free online event
 How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm

Explore how love and appreciation can help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open to the greater potential of your multisensory and mediumship gifts by joining us on January 23 for clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri’s free online event

How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm.