Angelic Sound Medicine to Connect With Voice & Your Higher Self

Angelic Sound Medicine to Harmonize Your Chakras & Your Life & Elevate the Magnetism of Your Voice With the Power of 12 Angels of Atlantis

During the brand-new online event, Receive Love-Light Energies From the 12 Angels of Atlantis Through Sonic Meditations with Stewart Pearce, angelic emissary and world-renowned voice and presence coach…

… you’ll access the profound courage, empathy, and unity consciousness that lies within your truest self.

Discover Yourself as One with the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying

You’ll learn about the historical evidence of otherworldly shamanic contact between Indigenous peoples and legendary visitors from the skies, and how such visitations have influenced our cultural development.

You’ll also discover how experiencing such visitations can help you cultivate the courage, strength, and love you need to face and transform life’s challenges.