Unlock the Secrets of Telepathic Communication w/ Your Animals (in 60 min) Event

Telepathic Communication With Your Animals: Learn Techniques

Discover the remarkable world of telepathic animal communication and forge a deeper connection with your beloved companions. Join Joan Ranquet, a renowned animal communicator, as she shares practical techniques to enhance your understanding and strengthen the trust between you and your furry friends. Harmonize the energy in your home and create a safe, nurturing space for your animal companions to thrive.

Experience Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence & Release the Egoic Mind

Experience Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence & Release the Egoic Mind

Embark on a transformative journey to unveil your true essence and achieve divine freedom. Join mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays on June 22 for an exclusive event. Register now and release the egoic mind to experience profound inner liberation. Don’t miss this opportunity for transformative self-discovery!

Harmonize Your Whole Being w/ Native American-Style Flute: Feel the Power of Music for Transformation

Harmonize Your Whole Being with the Native American-Style Flute & Discover the Power of Music for Transformation

Unleash the healing potential of the Native American-style flute and embark on a journey of personal transformation. Join Christine Stevens in a heart-opening workshop as she reveals the profound impact of improvisational flute playing on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Experience the joy, peace, and calm that comes with this accessible musical expression.

Discover Effective Somatic Practices for Vitality, Fluidity & Healing

effective somatic movement practices for vitality, fluidity & healing

Join more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers will guide you through simple somatic practices to move you beyond stuck energy into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.

Also, there will be additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice.

These professional track sessions will immerse you in the most prevalent philosophies springing forth in the field, while offering guided somatic movement techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery

This life-enhancing Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the healing powers of embodied motion. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

Quick “11-Minute Miracle” Breathwork Technique for Higher Consciousness

Breathwork Technique for Tapping Into Higher Consciousness: Breath Fundamentals to Ignite Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing with Michael Brian Baker

Michael Brian Baker, the founder and CEO of The Breath Center, teaches us that our whole-being health mirrors the way we breathe. In fact, the breath is used as a diagnostic tool in several Eastern medical traditions that have been practiced as far back as 5,000 years ago.

Join Michael for a free hour-long event, in which he’ll share the hidden secrets of breathwork and its remarkable capacity to open portals to varying levels of non-ordinary consciousness, sharpen your mental and physical faculties, release any kind of pain at its root, and create the changes in your life that you crave.

Experience the “Octave of Consciousness” to Cultivate Healing

Give Voice to Your Truth Experience Octave of Consciousness to Access Your Inner Authority & Cultivate Healing

As you release your attachment to what Chloë calls your “socially conditioned personality voice,” you’ll discover your sovereign voice and recognize yourself as an energy field that is vibrating with the frequencies of love — the impact of which is truly life-changing.

As you learn to access your soul’s wisdom through your sovereign voice, you’ll relish how embodied experiences of love and unconditional presence lead you to healthier and happier realms of coherence and harmony, nourishing you with self-acceptance and inner wisdom…

… and helping you transform fear into love, and separateness into deep connection.

Experience a guided dance practice to free your blocks & experience joy

Discover Sacred Dance for Personal & Collective Freedom Transform Trauma, Open to the Divine & Embody Love as the Ultimate Revolutionary Act

Banafsheh will share how dance can reconnect us and teach us how to hold the joys and sorrows of life in a strong, compassionate, and wide-open heart, empowering the love and goodness that connects us all as we ground ourselves in the joy of being alive.

During the event, you’ll experience this ecstatic connection for yourself during a guided dance practice that harnesses the power of presence and your body’s ability to track and free blocks… and unleash the joy that is buried beneath the stress, tension, and trauma of modern living.

Metabolize Your life w/ Ayurvedic Techniques – Healthy Eating Habits & True Self

Metabolize Your Life With Ayurvedic Techniques or How to Physically & Mentally Digest Food (and Life) Better Through Your 5 Senses with Marc Halpern

You’ll learn why, regardless of what ails you, all roads lead back to your digestive system, which has a hand in regulating every other system in your body…

… and how aligning mentally, emotionally, and physically with your dosha through nutrition and your daily habits helps you gain access to the full potential of your senses — including “the sixth sense,” the portal to higher consciousness.

Experience a “Shaking Meditation” to Release Stress, Tension & Trauma

explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing

Explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing.

Through TRE, you develop the ability to regulate intense feelings, putting you back in control…

… and helping you live with a sense of ease, joy, love, and connection.

Release Trauma of Your Birth Story with Feminine Breathwork Practices

explore where breath and your birth story meet — and influence your health, relationships, sense of self, ability to attract abundance, and more

As you gain new tools for transforming the difficult emotions and imprints of your birth story into sources of strength and clarity… Ashanna and Dana hope you’ll come to view the entire context of your life as a holy curriculum.

From there, an empowered sense of vulnerability is free to emerge and guide you to who you were always meant to be.